W8SDZ@Simtel20.ARPA (09/17/84)
From: Keith Petersen <W8SDZ@Simtel20.ARPA> XMODEM, the remote console program for RCPMs, has been updated to XMODEM97. It's now available from SIMTEL20: Filename Type Bytes CRC Directory MICRO:<CPM.RCPM> XMODEM97.AQM.1 COM 55680 1824H XMODEM97.ASM.1 ASCII 83216 0E46H XMODEM97.DOC.1 ASCII 7189 FFDDH Here's what's new since XMODEM93: ; 09/10/84 Added conditional code to set WRTLOC to prevent hangups ; v9.7 in the middle of a transfer and also fixed console ; key function check to be conditional and also done during ; WAITNAK and wait for SOH in RCVRECD. - Kim Levitt ; ; 07/26/84 Added code to switch to CHECKSUM mode after the 5th ; v9.6 initial timeout to accommodate users of software packages ; which don't support CRC protocol (and whose operators ; are unaware of the differences). - Sigi Kluger ; ; 07/20/84 More ZCPR2 support added- ; v9.5 If ZCPR2 = YES then the NO COMS (Rec or send), NO $SYS, ; and NO #s are all set to NO if the Wheel byte at 03eh is ; non-zero (set). Also the transfer MAXTIM routine and ; also the TIMEON maximum will both be unlimited. If you ; are using ZCPR2, why not really use it. Also had ; previously added a local console keyboard status check ; which someone cleaned up a bit. ; - Steve Sanders ; ; 07/10/84 Simple change made at request of many Sysops: ; v9.4 ZCPR2's path will no longer conflict with TIMEON routines. ; CWM had set up the time routines to store info in lowmem, this ; has been changed. Now, a routine called GETTIME will return ; the time in registers instead of peeking lowmem. ; - Paul Traina ; ; 07/04/84 Fixed timing circuits to handle 2400, 4800, 9600 AND 19200 ; v9.3 bps modems. Other trivial changes. (A few RCPM are now ; using 2400 bps and one is using 4800 bps.) Incorporated ; George Peace's modification to XMDMROOM.PCH to correctly ; display CP/M Plus space remaining on disk. ; - Irv Hoff For those who want to know what XMODEM is: This program allows a remote user to transfer files (to or from) a RCPM facility. Files may be loaded to a specific user area, keeping all new programs in that one area. This aids the SYSOP as well as the remote user. If uploading a .COM file, an option changes it automatically to an .OBJ file. This security feature prevents intentional uploading of programs that could be used to alter (or erase, etc.) those already present. SYSOPs may use MAXTIM to set the time limit for downloading files. It prevents users from tying up the system for excessive lengths of time with slow modems. For instance, 30 minutes limits 300 baud users to about 48k. MAXTIM does not kick them off, it stops them from starting to download a lengthy file. Current versions of BYE3 further limit the user to one hour total time (or whatever the SYSOP specifies), so numerous downloads of short files are not possible. Current versions of BYE3 can also prohibit operation of baud rates slower than 300 bps during prime hours (such as 6-11 pm) as specified by the SYSOP. XMODEM allows programs to be uploaded to a non-public area for private use of the SYSOP. (Use "RP" or "RPC" for the private area.) It also allows private programs to be downloaded from a special area, giving the SYSOP the ability to make any person a temporary privileged user. (A private note tells the person the name of the file. Others would be unaware such a file existed, insuring excellent security.) Individual files from a library group may be downloaded. The library extent (.LBR) need not be included, in which case it is automatically added. Using library groups permits greater utilization of the avail- able disk space, plus puts all associated files into the same program. An example is shown in the menu. Since there are so many different computer/modem combinations, you are expected to select one of the external overlays available to match the equipment being used (or make your own). First, select the general options desired on this program and assemble it. ASM.COM is suitable. Then use LOAD to get a .COM file. Edit the appropriate external over- lay and assemble it to get a .HEX file. DDT (or SID, etc.) would be used to merge the two into your final working .COM file. (The infor- mation on how to do this is contained in the external patch file. It is easier and quicker to do than it may appear. Follow instructions included in each overlay.) --Keith