STORK@Mit-Mc.ARPA (09/24/84)
From: Eric Stork <STORK@Mit-Mc.ARPA> I'm planning to try MCI's TELEX link to communicate with clients. But I need to know about TELEEX codes (Baudot ??). Anyone have a pointer to those codes? Sure would appreciate knowing of a file on SIMETL20, or elsewhere, that can explain what is available for TELEX. Thanks, Eric STORK%MIT-MC
Why not just use MCI Mail. You can send a receive TELEX (and TWX) messages through your modem, and you don't have the awful monthly bill from Western Onion (or MCI's straight Telex charges). James
CSTROM@simtel20.ARPA (09/25/84)
You are probably slightly out of date with reference to monthly charges on Western Union Telex. Their Easy-Link service has no monthly charges whatsoever and is much more flexible both in terms of types of messages and structure of the system than is MCI Mail. There is no application fee and they supply two thick volumes of Telex numbers.
You are probably slightly out of date with reference to monthly charges on Western Union Telex. Their Easy-Link service has no monthly charges whatsoever and is much more flexible both in terms of types of messages and structure of the system than is MCI Mail. There is no application fee and they supply two thick volumes of Telex numbers. MCI Mail has no application fee, or a montly fee, or even a fee to read mail. The only charges are for sending mail out. I suppose the directory would be useful, but they can be bought. Easylink (and I've done *lots* of work with it) is quite user-hostile as far as protocol and such. I prefer MCI Mail. James
wcwells%ucbopal.CC@Ucb-Vax.ARPA (10/07/84)
From: William C. Wells <wcwells%ucbopal.CC@Ucb-Vax.ARPA> The "baudot code" (international telegraph code 2?) is a 5 bit-code. The "ASCII" (USASCII) code is a 8-bit code. Here is a table of equivalents: ---------------------------------------------- Subject: octal/baudot table DECIMAL OCTAL ASCII CON- BAUDOT BAUDOT TROL LTRS FIGS 1 000 nul ^@ blank blank 2 001 soh ^A E 3 3 002 stx ^B lf lf 4 003 etx ^C A - 5 004 eot ^D sp sp 6 005 enq ^E S bel 7 006 ack ^F I 8 8 007 bel ^G U 7 9 010 bs ^H cr cr 10 011 ht ^I D $ 11 012 lf/nl ^J R 4 12 013 vt ^K J ' 13 014 ff/np ^L N , 14 015 cr ^M F ! 15 016 so ^N C : 16 017 si ^O K ( 17 020 dle ^P T 5 18 021 dc1 ^Q Z " 19 022 dc2 ^R L ) 20 023 dc3 ^S W 2 21 024 dc4 ^T H # 22 025 nak ^U Y 6 23 026 syn ^V P 0 24 027 etb ^W Q 1 25 030 can ^X O 9 26 031 em ^Y B ? 27 032 sub ^Z G & 28 033 esc ^[ figs figs 29 034 fs ^\ M . 30 035 gs ^] X / 31 036 rs ^^ V ; 32 037 us ^_ ltrs ltrs 33 040 sp 34 041 ! 35 042 " 36 043 # 37 044 $ 38 045 % 39 046 & 40 047 ' 41 050 ( 42 051 ) 43 052 * 44 053 + 45 054 , 46 055 - 47 056 . 48 057 / 49 060 0 50 061 1 51 062 2 52 063 3 53 064 4 54 065 5 55 066 6 56 067 7 57 070 8 58 071 9 59 072 : 60 073 ; 61 074 < 62 075 = 63 076 > 64 077 ? 65 100 @ 66 101 A 67 102 B 68 103 C 69 104 D 70 105 E 71 106 F 72 107 G 73 110 H 74 111 I 75 112 J 76 113 K 77 114 L 78 115 M 79 116 N 80 117 O 81 120 P 82 121 Q 83 122 R 84 123 S 85 124 T 86 125 U 87 126 V 88 127 W 89 130 X 90 131 Y 91 132 Z 92 133 [ 93 134 \ 94 135 ] 95 136 ^ 96 137 _ 97 140 ` 98 141 a 99 142 b 100 143 c 101 144 d 102 145 e 103 146 f 104 147 g 105 150 h 106 151 i 107 152 j 108 153 k 109 154 l 110 155 m 111 156 n 112 157 o 113 160 p 114 161 q 115 162 r 116 163 s 117 164 t 118 165 u 119 166 v 120 167 w 121 170 x 122 171 y 123 172 z 124 173 { 125 174 | 126 175 } 127 176 ~ 128 177 del
ken@rochester.UUCP (Ken Yap) (10/08/84)
<<<yum-yum>>> Also note that combination 0 in International Alphabet 2 is lablelled as blank but has nothing to do with the space character. It is probably used as a filler like ASCII null. Ken Yap (..!{seismo,allegra}!rochester!ken) -- Ken (..!rochester!ken)