[net.micro.cpm] MACROTECH MI-286 board and compatible software.

ruben@ut-ngp.UUCP (Ruben Ramirez-Mitchell) (10/10/84)

I am considering replacing my CompuPro 8085/8088 board for the MI-286 from
Macrotech. My main reason is the Z80H in this board, which would let me run
Z-80 dependant software.
 I have seen the board in operation under MPM-816 and running the same
software as the 8085 (with the exception of one KERMIT program), but I have
no information on its compatibility with programs using Z-80 code.

 I would like to run the following (now only in Z-80 versions):
 SYSTAT , Superfile, KAMAS, FancyFont, UNICA and Turbo Pascal (to run under

 Has anybody run any of these programs in a CompuPro system with the MI-286
 board and running CP/M-816 and/or MP/M-816 ?

               Ruben Mitchell