Keith Petersen <W8SDZ@Simtel20.ARPA> (11/22/84)
Now that SIMTEL20 is going to do the space-saving bit, I guess I'll have to figure out how to unsqueeze things. Is there an unsqueezer for both CP/M and UNIX? Yes, for CP/M see: Filename Type Bytes CRC Directory MICRO:<CPM.SQUSQ> SQ-17.COM.1 COM 16128 2509H SQUEEZER.DOC.1 ASCII 23453 CDEEH USQ-20.COM.1 COM 12800 5F25H For Unix see: Filename Type Bytes CRC Directory MICRO:<UNIX.CPM> SQ17U.C.1 ASCII 22349 6AE0H USQ17U.C.1 ASCII 6844 F322H Also, what exactly is this library stuff, and how do I undo it? For info on .LBRs see: Filename Type Bytes CRC Directory MICRO:<CPM.CPMLIB> LRUN20.ASM.1 ASCII 21306 F9F9H LRUN20.COM.1 COM 1536 191BH LU300.COM.1 COM 19456 4E07H LU300.DOC.1 ASCII 35133 3F9EH LUDEF5.DOC.1 ASCII 16599 8DC0H If you have any further questions about removing the ITS-binary headers, automatic FTP scripts for Unix, etc., send a note to INFO-CPM-REQUEST@AMSAA. --Keith