Rick Conn <RCONN@SIMTEL20.ARPA> (11/30/84)
A repository of Ada programs, software components, and educational material has been established on the SIMTEL20 host computer on the Defense Data Network. This repository has been accessible to any host computer on the network since November 26, 1984. This repository provides a free source for Ada programs. By using the File Transfer Protocol (FTP) program, users of DDN hosts are able to scan the directories of the repository and transfer files to their hosts. If the files are Ada programs, they may then compile these programs and use them as they desire. Modifying these programs may be within their rights, and they may freely distribute these programs within and without the DoD as they desire, subject to the restrictions specified for each piece of software in its prologue. The repository is divided into five main areas: * Software components * Tools and applications * Pointers to other information sources * Education * General information and repository index The software components section consists of packages and other compilation units which are of general application as building blocks for programs. For instance, math packages for complex arithmetic, Fourier transforms, etc, may find their way into this section. Virtual terminal packages, which read a termcap and provide general- purpose screen-manipulation routines, are also candidates. Anything which is transportable (ie, not system-dependent or with provisions for system independency) and of such a "building block" nature are candidates for this section. The tools and applications section is for running programs which address specific problems and, again, are not system-dependent or with provisions for system independency. Spelling checkers, editors, text formatters, communications tools, software development aids, etc, would all be candidates for this section. The pointers section contains pointers to other sources for Ada software, such as large systems which are too big to be placed into the repository or software which is available to many DDN users but not to the public in general. A pointer to the Army's Ada Language System will probably be included here, for instance. The education section contains various educational vehicles. Such would be running programs which are solutions to classroom exercises, and provided herein would be a machine-readable copy of the exercise, the source to the solution (which should be system independent), and any other appropriate documentation. The Ada software repository on SIMTEL20, then, serves two basic roles: to promote the exchange and use of Ada programs and tools (including components) and to promote Ada education (especially by providing several working examples of programs in source form for people to study and modify). All members of the Ada community who have access to the Defense Data Network are encouraged to freely extract information and programs from the repository as well as make contributions to it. If the demand warrants, provision may be made at a later date for providing access to the repository to members of the Ada community who do not have direct access to the Defense Data Network. The only restrictions which apply to the access and use of this software are presented in the "Distribution and Copyright" section of the prologue associated with each piece of software. -------
Pugh.PA@XEROX.ARPA (12/04/84)