[net.micro.cpm] Sources for FORTH-83 Public Domain


Version 2 of the public domain implementation of the FORTH-83 standard
known as F83 is available on the Arpanet in versions for CP/M-80,
CP/M-68K, and MS-DOS.

F83 is largely the work of Henry Laxen and Mike Perry with some assistance
from many members of the FORTH Interest Group.  The system contains many
utilities, an editor, an assembler, and a meta-compiler that makes
recompilation of the system, or porting to a new system possible.  I have
uploaded the systems as three large library files.  You will need a library
utility such as LU or LUPC to extract individual members.

The files are on SIMTEL20 in MICRO:<CPM.FORTH-83> and are:

                F83V2-80.LBR  for CP/M 8080
                F83V2-68.LBR  for CP/M 8086
                F83V2-MS.LBR  for MS-DOS 8088

For those who are unable to FTP files from the Arpanet, I have submitted the
first 2 versions to SIG/M and the MS-DOS version to PC-BLUE.  These can be
addressed at Box 97, Iselin NJ  08830 and should be available as soon as they
can be added to their catalog.

No Visible Support Software
Box 1344
2000 Center St.
Berekeley, CA. 94706.

can supply 8080 CP/M on 8" single-sided single density
           8086 CP/M on 8" single-sided single density
           68000 CP/M on 8" single-sided single density
           8088 PC-DOS on 5.25" double-sided double density
for $25 each. (These are the versions I squeezed and made into .LBR files).

A somewhat similar version known as F83X for the Apple IIE is available from
Wil Baden, Orange County FIG, 339 Princeton Circle, Costa Mesa, CA. 92626
for $25 payable to Orange County FIG.
This has extensions that are not in the Laxen-Perry model.

Ted Shapin. Dec. 17, 1984
