[net.micro.cpm] COM to HEX conversion

dbrothers@DDN1.ARPA (12/21/84)

You may be interested to know that the following UNIX shell will convert
any file into hex format.

od -bh $1 | awk '/^.0/{print  substr($1,2,2) substr($2,2,2) substr($3,2,2) substr($4,2,2) substr($5,2,2) substr($6,2,2) substr($7,2,2) substr($8,2,2)}' | dd conv=ucase

Use 'CHMOD u+x conv' to make the shell (which I named conv) executable.
The shell is invoked as follows:

conv file.con   (The result will be sent to the terminal)

conv file.con >file.hex (the reult will be sent to the file called file.hex)
