[net.micro.cpm] PAT700V1.ASM bugs?

Keith Petersen <W8SDZ@SIMTEL20.ARPA> (12/28/84)

    Date: Thursday, 27 December 1984  23:16-MST
    From: Robert L. Plouffe <PLOUFF at MIT-MC>
    Re:   PAT700V1.ASM bugs?

    Thanks for checking out that patch file.  Indeed, the copy of
    MODM700 that I had (dated as of 11/04/84 - same date as current
    file) was different and was off by 5 bytes in a number of
    locations.  I have fixed up the file and it should be now correct
    as PAT700V2.ASM.  It will be in GUEST1 at MC as usual.  This one
    contains the correct addresses to match the MODM700 at SIMTEL20.
    I thought that we were done with different releases under the
    same release number.

There have been no changes to MODM700.AQM or MODM700.LBR since its
release on November 4, 1984.  Where did you get your copy?  The one on
Simtel20 hasn't been touched, according to WDIR's display of the
creation date.

Filename			Type	 Bytes	 CRC

Directory MICRO:<CPM.MODEM7>
MODM700.AQM.1			COM	104320  8B0AH
MODM700.LBR.1			COM	 71936  0477H
