[net.micro.cpm] Perfect Writer

Pawka <PAWKA@Nosc-Tecr.ARPA> (01/16/85)

	I have a problem with perfect writer that I thought someone out
there in CPMland might be able to help me with. It works fine for small
files, but when I try to edit one that is 180KB, it seems to go into a
loop swapping. I tried increasing the size of the swap file to 248K and
making the delay count for swapping the max (2000), no help! Any ideas?

Herb Lin <LIN@Mit-Mc.ARPA> (01/16/85)

I think your "swapping loop" is just a question of waiting long enough
on initial entry to the file.  I thought I had that problem too,
because I lost patience.  I routinely edit files of 240 KB now, with a
swap file of 256KB.

Jim Forrest <JFORREST@SIMTEL20.ARPA> (01/16/85)

I have a 252k swap file with perfect writer and it works perfectly. I had
to use a swap building program to make it work, though.