[net.micro.cpm] Major bug in Turbo Pascal version 2.00

Keith Petersen <W8SDZ@SIMTEL20.ARPA> (01/22/85)


                    ***** BUG REPORT *****
         ***** MAJOR BUG IN TURBO PASCAL V2.00 *****
                         July 1,1984
                    (updated December 1984)

     The runtime routines  do  not  handle  a  floating-point 
(real)  subtraction  correctly.  For  some subtractions,  the 
correct  difference  is  returned;  for  others,  a  zero  is 
returned. The following program demonstrates the bug:

program test;
     writeln(9.+(-6.0));        { Wrong value returned }
     writeln(-1.0+(-1.0));      { Correct value returned }
     writeln(1-2);              { Correct value returned }
     writeln(1.-2:10:2);        { Wrong value returned }
     writeln(1.-2.0);           { Wrong value returned }
     writeln(1-2.0);            { Wrong value returned }
     writeln(456 - 123.0);      { Correct value returned }

A value of zero is returned on those lines marked as 'wrong'. 
The other lines return the correct difference.


The following versions of Turbo have been checked for this bug 
and are alright.  Any versions for same OS, with higher serial 
numbers, should be alright--but  use the above test program to 
be sure.  The bug may be unique to MS-DOS versions.

	Turbo  ver 1.01A for CP/M-86    serial #  1225
	Turbo  ver 2.00B for CP/M-86    serial # 49036
	Turbo  ver 2.00B for MS-DOS     serial #131821


    After disassembling and tracing through a sample compiled 
program, the error was located in the following code:

XXXX:12FA E84FFF        CALL    124C            ; Subtract
XXXX:12FD 7306          JNB     1305
XXXX:12FF 80F780        XOR     BH,80           ; Handle negative
XXXX:1302 E863FF        CALL    1268            ;   numbers
XXXX:1305 8B4504        MOV     AX,[DI+04]      ; Is mantissa zero?
XXXX:1308 0B4502        OR      AX,[DI+02]
XXXX:130B 0A4501        OR      AL,[DI+01]      ; ***** ERROR *****
XXXX:130E 740D          JZ      131D            ; Yes
XXXX:1310 F6450580      TEST    BYTE PTR [DI+05],80  ; Normalize
XXXX:1314 750C          JNZ     1322

(Comments  have  been  added for clarity).  This disassembled 
code is located in the  routines  that  handle  addition  and 
subtraction  (only the subtraction part is shown).  The error 
occurs when the routine tests to see if  the  result  of  the 
subtraction is zero. It tests for a zero by "OR-ing" together 
the five bytes of the mantissa (the instructions that do this 
are at offsets 1305H to 130BH). If the mantissa is zero, then 
the result of this "multiple-or" will set the zero flag.  The 
first  of  these instructions is a move of the word at [DI+4] 
to AX.  The next instruction takes the logical OR of  AX  and 
[DI+2].  No problem so far.  However, the last instruction is 
"OR AL,[DI+1]",  an instruction that operates on a  byte  and 
not  on  a word.  If the OR of the words at [DI+4] and [DI+2] 
results in a word whose UPPER byte is NONZERO but whose LOWER 
byte is ZERO,  then the next instruction, the "byte-wise" OR, 
will SET the zero flag if the byte at [DI+1] is zero.  Notice 
that the instruction at 130BH totally ignores the contents of 
the upper byte of AX;  the flags are  set  according  to  the 
lower byte of AX only.  This is what causes the error.


     The fix to this bug is simple: simply exchange the order 
of the two "OR" instructions.  This way, the zero flag is set 
according  to  a  full  16-bit  OR  and  not  an  8-bit  one. 
IMPORTANT:  Only persons familiar with the operation of DEBUG 
should  attempt  the  following.  Using DEBUG,  the following 
sequence of commands can be used to fix the bug:

     Assumptions and notes in the following:
             YOUR MASTER COPY!
          2) The sequence of commands shown below writes 
             out  the   fixed   version   to   the  file 
          3) Make sure that you have version 2.00
          4) 'turbo.com'   must   be   in   the  current 
             directory on drive B.
          5) DOS  2.00  or  above  is  being  used  (the 
             debugger in DOS 1.00 and 1.10 does not have 
             the 'assemble' command).                           
          6) Be  sure  to  verify  that  the code in the 
             compiler is the same as  that  shown  below 
             initially.  After the changes are made,  be 
             sure to verify that the changes  have  been 
             made  correctly  before  writing  the fixed 
             version out to disk.

B>debug turbo.com
-u 12fa             <- Verify the following locations
XXXX:12FA E84FFF        CALL    124C
XXXX:12FD 7306          JNB     1305
XXXX:12FF 80F780        XOR     BH,80
XXXX:1302 E863FF        CALL    1268
XXXX:1305 8B4504        MOV     AX,[DI+04]
XXXX:1308 0B4502        OR      AX,[DI+02]
XXXX:130B 0A4501        OR      AL,[DI+01]
XXXX:130E 740D          JZ      131D
XXXX:1310 F6450580      TEST    BYTE PTR [DI+05],80
XXXX:1314 750C          JNZ     1322
XXXX:1316 E8F9FE        CALL    1212
XXXX:1319 FE0D          DEC     BYTE PTR [DI]
-a 1308             <- Make changes
XXXX:1308 or al,[di+1]
XXXX:130E or ax,[di+2]
XXXX:1311                       <- Press 'enter'
-u 12fa             <- Verify that the changes are correct
XXXX:12FA E84FFF        CALL    124C
XXXX:12FD 7306          JNB     1305
XXXX:12FF 80F780        XOR     BH,80
XXXX:1302 E863FF        CALL    1268
XXXX:1305 8B4504        MOV     AX,[DI+04]
XXXX:1308 0A4501        OR      AL,[DI+01]
XXXX:130B 0B4502        OR      AX,[DI+02]
XXXX:130E 740D          JZ      131D
XXXX:1310 F6450580      TEST    BYTE PTR [DI+05],80
XXXX:1314 750C          JNZ     1322
XXXX:1316 E8F9FE        CALL    1212
XXXX:1319 FE0D          DEC     BYTE PTR [DI]
-w                  <- Save fixed version of turbo
Writing 8E80 bytes


<end of fix>


     One  cannot  set  breakpoints  in TURBO using DEBUG.  It 
seems that TURBO  uses  the  breakpoint  interrupt  for  some 
hideous  reason.  If  one  attempts  to set breakpoints,  the 
system will probably crash.  Tracing,  however,  does seem to 
work.  The  above  bug  was  tracked down only after hours of 
tracing (by machine and by hand) and disassembling.

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