[net.micro.cpm] SQueezing & UnSQeezing files

Larry Carroll <LARRY@JPL-VLSI.ARPA> (01/24/85)

I've copied the XSQ, XUSQ, and LAR programs onto our VAX (under VMS) and 
compiled/linked/tested them.  They work fine, but either I'm using them 
wrong or our copy of FTP doesn't do a BINARY (image) format file transfer 

I expected the SQueezed files to begin with hex 76 followed by hex FF, 
followed by a 16-bit checksum, followed by a file name.  But SMALLC.DOQB 
and SMC-ASM and several others I've copied contain something completely 
different.  Do I run LAR on these files first, the XUSQ?  Or what?

				Larry @ jpl-vlsi
Please send replies to the above address.  I'm not on INFO-CPM.  Thanks.