STORK@MIT-MC.ARPA (Eric Stork) (04/07/85)
:kill :kill :mail info-cpm%amsaa A week or so ago, I asked the net about the feasibility of someone who has an APPLE IIe doing some draft typing for me, and then transferring the material to my KAYPRO for finalizing, The key issues were: . Can one use something like UNIFORM to read APPLE II disks of the KAYPRO? . Other problems or solutions? I got a number of responses, including some requests for a summary of responses. I have summarized the comments, eliminated most of the inevitable redundancy, and am submitting the end result for the use of those who may be interested. In a nutshell, EXCEPT for modem or direct RS-232 transfer of ASCII files, and the subsequent manipulation of those files with a filter like FILTEX, it's not feasible to move drafts from APPLE to CP/M systems, and back. Even with modem-like approaches it's cumbersome. Thanks to all who contributed their insights and experiences, Eric Summary of APPLE <--> CP/M Responses 1.0. Is there any way I can read text files off an Apple II disk, using a Kaypro II? Is there a formatting program that will do that? Unfortunately, you cannot read or write Apple disks on a CP/M system like the Kaypro. The reason for this is that Apple uses a HARD SECTORED "maverick" format unlike every other system out there which uses SOFT sectoring (which is what makes programs like MediaMaster and Uniform possible). It should be possible to write the RWTS (read-write-track-sector) code that resides at BD00-BFFF in an APPLE ][ in 8080 code and make it run in a KAYPRO. The hard part would be to get the documentation which describes how you access the disk directly from 8080 code in the KAYPRO. You would need to know how to turn on the motor, how to check for write protect, how long to wait after turning on the motor before reading, what the data really looks like when you do a read (bit-by-bit read) and how you define which disk drive you want to access. I do not know if this information is available for the KAYPRO. Apple diskettes use a SOFT sectored scheme, but the data is encoded using a GCR technique instead of the more popular MFM method. Most systems (if not all) would not be able to read them. Apple *does not* use a hard sectored format. Its uses a 16 sector format which *does not* use the index hole, thus soft sectored. Software is able to find any given track/sector without the aid from the hardware. In truth, the apple is 'softer' sectoring than anybody else - it doesn't look at the sector hole(s) *AT ALL*. Therefore one can use in the apple either soft or hard sectored disks providing that you format them first. It is this 'softer' sectoring that makes the apple weird - all other normal machine do look at the index hole - a hard sectored disk drives them wild. 2.0. Is it economical to get my potential typist a CP/M card for her Apple? Are they still made? Where and by whom? Costs? There is no way to read an apple disk in a Kaypro disk drive, with or without CP/M in the Apple. The Apple hardware uses a very unique coding scheme for putting bits on the disk. About the only practical thing to do is use modems in both machines, and transfer the files over the phone line. This is practical and easy. (Or if the machines are close together, you can cable the serial ports on the two machines directly together without modems. This takes a little knowledge and the willingness to wire up a special connector.) Apple's method of terminating a line in a text file is just a carriage return -- with no linefeed. So when you type the file out in CP/M, every line will be overwritten. Solve this by processing the file with FILTEX (a public domain program) or some other utility that inserts a LF after every orphan CR. Likewise, a CP/M text file transferred to an Apple will contain that *normal* LF and appear double-spaced when listed. Another potential problem is that not all word processors on the Apple II (or any other machine) use the same kind of files. Some Apple II word processors use Apple DOS 3.3 or ProDos "standard" text files, but others use their own unique file format. Some achieve protection by screwing up the DOS and writing the whole disk in a wierd way. So it matters which word processor she uses! I have transferred files from an APPLE ][ to a KAYPRO using MEX on the KAYPRO and ZPRO on the APPLE ][ over a null modem at speeds of up to 9600 baud. It worked beautifully. I initially did it using modems at 300 baud and a phone, but found that the phone line is unnecessary if you have a seriel card in the APPLE ][, you can easily use a null modem cable. A null modem cable can easily be built. It is simply a pair of db-25 connectors (Males usually) that have the following pin connections: Pin 1 to pin 1, pin 2 to pin 3 at the other end, pin 3 to pin 2 at the other end, pin 7 to pin 7, pin 6 to pin 20 at the other end and pin 20 to pin 6 at the other end. The idea is to swap the send and receive lines and the dtr and cts lines. If you have an APPLE ][ super serial card, then you don't need to build anything. You can set the configuration block to the TERMINAL mode and use your existing db-25 cable. Read the book and you'll see that this configuration is the same as having a null modem cable. It is also possible to use MEX, MODEM7, or any other xmodem-capable program to do quick APPLE ][ to KAYPRO transfers. I like using MEX because it has wild card capability. If the files you need to transfer are ascii, rather than binary, it is possible to use PIP on both ends to transfer them from the APPLE ][ to the KAYPRO. this is not the rpeferred method, however. There is no checksum or CRC if you use PIP. If the files are DOS text files you can use ASCII EXPRESS to transfer them out the seriel port. Two popular CP/M cards are available for the Apple: the "Softcard" by Microsoft and the "Appli-Card" by PCPI. They sell for about $275.00. Each card comes with a utility disk that includes a program to convert DOS files to CP/M. On the CP/M card add-on... just went through this with a customer in an "attempt" to upgrade his Apple. Take a look at the December issue of Byte Magazine - there's a multi-page review of these things in the back. But changing to a CP/M card won't solve a disk compatibility problem. Since they all use that Apple drive, they're constrained to use the hardware and firmware designed to drive 'em. ###