[net.micro.cpm] Forwarded Mail

ihomyer@almsa-1.ARPA (Irene Homyer) (04/26/85)

Received: from cod.ARPA by nosc.ARPA (4.17/4.7)
	id AA20734; Thu, 25 Apr 85 10:26:21 pst
From: bang!dan@nosc.ARPA
MMDF-Warning:  Parse error in preceding line at AMSAA.ARPA
Received: by cod.ARPA (4.17/4.7)
	id AA07462; Thu, 25 Apr 85 10:24:48 pst
Date: Thu, 25 Apr 85 10:24:48 pst
Message-Id: <8504251824.AA07462@cod.ARPA>
To: info-cpm@AMSAA.ARPA
Subject: Re: Attache' by Otrona


  you might try contacting Russel Oiler at (619) 271-5610.  He is
the head of the Otrona Users Group in San Diego.  If Russel donesn't
know himself, he at least will be able to point you in the right

  I used to have a small number of them myself, but sold them to 
others like you (I kept an 8/16, though).

                          Good Luck
                           Dan Seguin