[net.micro.cpm] DateStamper for CP/M 2.2 is ready

bridger@rand-unix.ARPA (Bridger Mitchell) (04/29/85)

DateStamper(tm) --  a CP/M 2.2 system extension for automatic time-and
-date-stamping of files -- has passed its beta-tests, thanks to skillful and
persistent assistance from Dave Birnbaum, Hal Bower, Bob Clements,
Jack Bicer, Paul Kelley, Kim Korner, Neil Maron, Dick Mead, Mike Niswonger,
Ed Park, and John Shaver.

This announcement summarizes how DateStamper works, its major features,
companion utilities, and availability.



  A CP/M 2.2 system extension for automatic time-and-date-stamping of files.

			 >>>  HOW IT WORKS  <<<

Disks prepared for DateStamping store the created, modified, and accessed
dates for each directory entry in a special file, which is the first-
allocated file on the disk and also the first entry in the directory.

The command to load DateStamper may be placed in the user's command
processor buffer to allow automatic loading at each cold boot; or,
DateStamper can be loaded manually with a transient command.  DateStamper
then patches into the BIOS and BDOS, and monitors BDOS calls until cold-boot
or power-down.  It keeps track of writes, and updates the time-and-date file
on creates, opens, and closes, using BIOS file i/o.

The clock-reading routine is externally callable at an offset available at a
BDOS patch.  It returns packed BCD date and time to the caller's buffer.

			>>>  MAJOR FEATURES  <<<

Function       ..  Stamps every file's create, access and modify time and date
		   with imperceptible overhead.

Hardware       ..  Clock NOT REQUIRED.  Default mode uses a "relative"
		   counter clock that increments on each file access.
	       ..  Use any hardware or terminal real-time clock to stamp
		   actual time.  Pre-assembled routines for popular clocks,
		   plus custom ASM option.

Compatibility  ..  Works with all programs adhering to CP/M 2.2 interfacing
	       ..  Runs with replacement CCP's such as ZCPRx
	       ..  Requires standard CP/M 2.2 BDOS.
	       ..  Disks and files are fully compatible with standard CP/M 80
		   and CP/M 86 format (but not CP/M 86 timestamp).  Intermix
		   regular and DateStamper-prepared disks.

Resource use   ..  Uses less than 1K memory.  Loads below the CCP (default
		   case) or above the BIOS.
	       ..  Uses 1 directory entry plus 1 small file per disk.

Accessibility  ..  Portable, machine-independent entrypoint for reading date
		   and time.
	       ..  File times and dates available to applications programs.

		     >>>  PRINCIPAL  UTILITIES  <<<

SDD	       ..  SuperDirectory enhanced to show create, access, modify
		   time and date in selectable formats and to support
		   PUBlic filetype.

DATSWEEP       ..  A compleat 6-window file-maintenance utility.  Select and
		   tag files by wildcard, attribute bit, and date-time
		   relational operators for copy/rename/erase/change-date/
		   change-user-number operations.  View mode is bidirectional
		   with horizontal scrolling and string-search (forward-only
		   for squeezed files).

LOG,TOTALLOG   ..  Log time-stamped category of computer use.  Show monthly
		   summary by category.

DATE	       ..  Display current date and time.


..	Prepare a disk with time-and-date file.  Run once for each disk.
..	Set date and relative time, when required.
..	Configure utilities for terminal-specific video sequences.
..	Set default modes for utilities.
..	Customize DateStamper for system addresses, real-time clock, and
	auto-execute command line.

		     >>>  COMPANION UTILITIES  <<<

	The DateStamper toolkit disk(s) will contain additional utilities
with source code, including user contributions.  They currently comprise:

MAKE  	   ..	Create submit script from a makefile of file dependencies
		based on last-modified date (a la unix) -- by Neil Maron.
MCAT,XCAT  ..	Catalog and cross-reference disks with file dates --
		by Hal Bower.
APPEND	   ..	Concatenate text files with filename/datestamp separator.
SAP51	   ..	New version of SAP (sort and pack directory) that supports
		the DateStamper time and date file; with other improvements.
DSLIB	   ..	8080 ASM library of routines to read clock and return file
		time and date, callable from BDS-C.

			 >>>  AVAILABILITY  <<<

Plu*Perfect Systems is sending information brochures and taking orders;
shipments will go out as soon as the manual comes back from the printer --
estimated May 6.


..	Standard formats: 8" SSSD, Kaypro SSDD and Osborne SSDD -- $49
..	Other formats: (no 96 tpi) -- $54.
..	Special Kaypro autoboot version for users with Plu*Perfect's
	enhanced CP/M 2.2E -- $39.

Toolkit disk for companion utilities -- $12 (standard format), $17 (other).

Add $3 shipping and handling.  In California add 6% sales tax.

Plu*Perfect Systems
Box 1494
Idyllwild, CA 92349

Trademarks:	DateStamper (Plu*Perfect Systems), CP/M (Digital Research).