[net.micro.cpm] Using the Anchor Mk XII within BYE.COM

W8SDZ@SIMTEL20.ARPA (Keith Petersen) (05/03/85)

>D. Pollock recently posted:
>Re: Using the Anchor Mk XII within BYE.COM
>To use the Mk XII you must ascertain if you have the proper rom set.  
>This can be done by connecting up the modem and typing ATI1 the result 
>will be a number if the number is 218 then you are ok, if not get on 
>the phone to Anchor and get them to replace the roms in your modem. 
>This fixes a nasty habit of the Anchor's which will cause a seizure of 
>the worst kind if someone calls your modem at 300 baud.  Apparently the 
>modem gets confused when it answers and has to switch baud rate hanging 
>up the entire system.  Thanks to Ed Richter for this information.  This 
>tip and the following mod allow the Anchor to function as a Hayes clone 
>in a BBS situation.
>D. Pollock 4-7-85
[DTR Hangup mod followed here]

Jim Zajac, a user of RCPM Royal Oak is getting conflicting answers from
the Anchor modem people.  He would like to contact Ed Rickter for more
details.  I hope we can find someone to help.  It annoys me to see a
manufacturer apparently giving out different information to different
people.  If there is a problem they should admit it.  We would all
have greater respect for them and be more inclined to buy their product
because we knew they gave good user support.

---forwarded message from RCPM Royal Oak (313-759-6569)---

Date: 30-Apr-85
From: Jim Zajac
To:   Ed Rickter

Dear Ed,  where did you get the info concerning the fix for the 
Anchor MK12 modem?  Anchor says that there is no such fix or ROMs 
available.  Could you upload a more specific file concerning the 
details of your conversation with Anchor or whoever for the rest 
of us.  Thank you .

.....Jim Zajac

---end of forwarded message---