[net.micro.cpm] Hard Disk for Heath/Zenith 89/90

STANLEY@usc-eclb.ARPA (05/29/85)

I'd really love to find a way to use some of those cheap 5MB hard
disks that are coming up on the market on my H89.   However,  the
only  way  that  seems  feasible  so  far  is  to  use a Magnolia
Heath-to-SASI card (which means changing from my  well-loved  and
debugged Heath CP/M) to drive a Xidex SASI-to-ST506 card to drive
the drive.  That isn't cheap!

Has anyone else out there tackled the hard disk and H89 and  come
up  with  a  good  fix?   Or  should  I  just settle down with my

                                ...Dick Stanley

stanley at eclb