[net.micro.cpm] *** FOR SALE ***

p_macdonald@eden.DEC (Workstations Pubs 223-3439) (07/18/85)

                      *** FOR SALE ***

	Epson Geneva (PX-8) laptop portable C/PM computer.
        64K workspace, 80x8 display, built-in microcasette
        for storage, internal RAM disk for storage. Includes
        the latest operating system rev and comes complete 
        with the following:

        Epson PF-10 3 1/2" microfloppy drive
        Epson integrated 120K RAM disk
        Epson CX-20 modem
        Wordstar ROM
        Spreadsheet and Scheduler ROM
        C/PM Utilities ROM
        Microsoft BASIC ROM

        All battery powered with AC adaptors, carry case for
        all, cables, manuals, large amount of public domain
        software tossed in free, including MEX, MODEM7, and
	many, many more.

        Entire system only for sale at a price well below 
        retail. Everything is MINT and less than 9 months

        Contact Paul over the net, or call days at 617-493-3439