cab@druca.UUCP (BergerCA) (08/25/85)
FOR SALE: computer: Televideo TS-803, 4mhz Z80, 64k ram 2 DSDD 5-1/4 inch floppy drives (360kb formatted per drive) 2 serial RS232 ports (75-9600 bps) 12-1/2 inch (viewable) tilting screen, P31 green phosphor graphics capability, 640 hor X 240 vert pixels, firmware primitives detached keyboard w/ASCII, cursor, function keys user's manual (!) size: 14.25 in high, 18.5 in wide, 15 in deep 2 years old -- great condition Software: CP/M and CP/M utilities BDS C compiler VEDIT text editor homebrew terminal emulator (written in C: works for Un*x dilaup) Price: new: $2400 asking: $1000, but have lots of room to dicker By Whom: me: Charlie Berger ihnp4!drutx!druca!cab (303) 538-3950 work (303) 450-5359 home