[net.micro.cpm] TOPS-20 MODEM

Platteter.Henr@PARC-MAXC.ARPA (11/29/83)

Your problem is with the 1200 baud.  The software knows when the receive
buffer is full but has no way to tell the machine that it is receiving
the data from that it should not send any more data.

There are two solutions.  The first is to use 300 baud.  This allows the
receiving computer time to dump the buffer without loosing any data.
The other solution is to use a modem program that allows you to insert
delays before the sending of each line of data.  I have used both
successfully.  I find that there is a lot less playing around if I just
use 300 baud but if this option is not open to you you will have to use
the other route.




I tried to use Modem to transfer a file between 2 tops 20 machines.
These machines are connected together via a 1200 baud terminal line.

This is what I tried.

Modem ctty#
Modem t

this brought me over to the other machine.

next I typed

Modem s foo

^E brought me back to the first machine.

and now modem r foo to get the file.

This worked fine  for small  files.  If the  file was  longer than  16
blocks the  receiving end  aborted  after 10  tries.  I  examined  the
incoming characters and everything seemed  to be working fine.   Does
anyone know whats wrong?




    Received: from AMSAA by USC-ECLB; Wed 28 Aug 85 04:57:49-PDT
	      from brl-aos.arpa by AMSAA.ARPA id a009162; 28 Aug 85 7:28 EDT
	      from usc-isid.arpa by AOS.BRL.ARPA id a015896; 28 Aug 85 1:34 EDT
    Date: 28 Aug 1985 01:32-EDT
    To: info-cpm@BRL.ARPA
    Subject: TOPS-20 MODEM
    Return-Path: <info-cpm-request@AMSAA>
    Message-ID: <[USC-ISID.ARPA]28-Aug-85 01:32:36.ABN.ISCAMS>
    Has anyone else experienced problems with the TOPS-20 file transfer program
    MODEM when working through a TAC?
    I've tested the latest from SIMTEL20 PD:<CPM.TOPS-20> (I think .315), and
    same problem as the one on my host.
    Symptoms:  With two different versions of a micro MODEM using Christensen
    Protocol (MODEM901 for the Compupro and MDM730 for my Decision I CP/M),
    same error:  Incorrect Record # (or was it Header #).  Program never
    begins to download.  Watching and capturing the mainframe MODEM packet,
    I see with a DUMP two ASCII 01 characters as a leader.
    MODEM used to work for me quite a few months ago, but now no luck.
    Uploads ("Sends") also fail -- MODEM first returns an ASCII 87H, and then
    as I recall, CRs and sometimes a NAK.  No packets move.  Both Checksum
    and CRC fail.
    I experimented with toggling my TAC Trap (sending the TAC intercept character
    twice), but to no avail.
    Sure has me bugged!  Would appreciate any help/suggestions.
    David Kirschbaum
    Toad Hall

I have had so much trouble with the TOPS-20 MODEM program for the
past two  years  that  I  finally  gave  uponit  and  use  KERMIT
exclusively  on  the net.  Nothing I or the ECLB folks did seemed
to help.  Tried all of the TAC settings, too.   KERMIT  works,  I
recommend  it.  (If using binary file transfer, set the TAC using
the command sequence @@d c a, @@b o s, @@b i s first.)


WANCHO@SIMTEL20.ARPA (Frank J. Wancho) (08/28/85)

I already replied to Dave and the INFO-MODEMXX list, but forgot to
include INFO-CPM.  The problem is that beginning with the current
version of TOPS-20 MODEM, you cannot simply take our .EXE file and
expect it to run on your machine.  In fact, I shouldn't have left it
in that section.  The reason is is that there are conditionals which
depend on features in the TOPS-20 MONITR to handle network binary mode
negotiations.  Our MONITOR does it differently than it used to.

What you need to do is grab the source file and compile it.  If it
still fails to work properly for you, let me know, and include the net
address of your machine's wizard.


BillW@SU-SCORE.ARPA (William Chops Westfield) (08/29/85)

The MODEM.EXE from simtel20 is set up to use special monitor changes
in their monitor that do things "right according to MRC" (Eg IAC
doubling, special MTOPR for setting Telnet binary mode).  This of
course doesn't work on most tops20s - be sure to get the sources and
set proper assembly conditionals, rather than just FTPing new binaries.

There are basically three types of tops20 monitors:

1) Hacked monitor - doesn't do IAC doubling at all.  This allows
   MODEM and KERMIT and so on to do their own telnet negotiations,
   and tehrefore work, as long as they also remember to double their
   own IACs too.  Unwary programs may have characters mysteriously
   disappear when they try to output a 0FFh without this doubling.
   I think Vanilla DEC software looks like this - it is the most
   likely version for your arpanet tops20 system to have.

2) Broken monitor - does IAC doubling (or tries to), but doesn't have
   MTOPR for setting binary mode on tcp telnet connections.  In order
   for this to work with modem at all, you have to do @B I S, @B O S,
   on your TAC by hand, which you can not then turn off.  This was
   a result of trying to fix type 1 monitors, without allowing for
   the fact that user software was counting on the "bugs".  There is
   also a REALLY BROKEN monitor that refuses to enter binary telnet
   mode at all, but this version has hopefully dissappeared.

3) Panda (MRC) monitor.  Does IAC doubling, but also provides a
   special call for negotiating network binary mode.  This version
   is probably the closest to "correct", but doesn't have very wide
   distribution (the edits are "Panda Proprietary"), and suffers
   somewhat in terms of efficiency.  SIMTEL runs this version.
