[net.micro.cpm] HELP: problem with LIST device in MEX

jp@lanl.ARPA (10/21/85)

I have just recently brought up MEX114 on my Compupro system.  As it
stands when I try to use the echo-screen-to-printer mode the whole
system hangs after 100 or so characters.  If I put pointers to my
own routines in the list output vector and the list status vector, I
find that the status routine is called frequently and the list device
is ready, but there never seems to be a call to the output routine.
All of this is probably cockpit trouble, but while I'm struggling I
thought I would put out a query in the faint hope that someone will
say "Oh, yeah.  What you need to do is..."
By the way, the symptoms are the same under CP/M-80 and CP/M-816.

Any thoughts would be appreciated.

p.s.  I vaguely recall having a problem with the list status returned
by my BIOS when I installed MODEM730 a while back.  Very strange.


Jim Potter  jp@lanl.arpa