[net.micro.cpm] SD107 - latest version of Super Directory program available

W8SDZ@SIMTEL20.ARPA (Keith Petersen) (11/16/85)

The latest version of SD, the super directory program is now available
from SIMTEL20:

Filename			Type	 Bytes	 CRC

Directory PD:<CPM.DIRUTL>
SD107.LBR.1			BINARY	 85376  651BH

Recent SD History:

11/11/85  Made the fixes mentioned (by Ernest Hintz) in SD105.BUG.
  v107    Option equates comments edited to be logical and make it
          easier for first-time users to set up.  Slight modification
          to header.  Normal system equate settings are in lower
          case (as in BYE5) - makes it easier to spot them.
                                      - Tom Brady, Decibel RCP/M
11/09/85  Version 1.05 was released with the wrong HELP menu at the
  v106    label OPTMSG when ZCPR2 EQU YES.  Also, changed the "More..."
          prompt to "[more]", keeping in line with the majority of
          programs currently using a page pause function.  Returned
          the header to display as in SD102, which is much more
          informative to the general user, than the cryptic display
          which appeared in v105.  Removed the duplicated historical
          notes from SD10x.INF (extra file length is not necessary,
          when an historical file already exists).
                                      - Tom Brady, Decibel RCP/M
11/05/85  Added optional display of attribute tags as lowercase letters
  v105    (only for letters A-Z), if NO REVIDEO is selected. Useful for
          old Kaypros, ADM3's, etc with no inverse video function.
                                      - Dick Mead, Pasadena Znode 36