[net.micro.cpm] PDSE068A.LST phone list part one of two

KPETERSEN@SIMTEL20.ARPA (Keith Petersen) (11/22/85)

---cut here part one of two---PDSE068A.LST---cut here---
>> PDSE-068.LST : Public Domain Software Exchange Systems List #68a <<
               >>> 11/19/85 revision by Kim Levitt <<<

The Public  Domain Software Exchange  Systems List  is a collaborative
work of Jud Newell,  Kim Levitt, & Steve Sanders.   Editors & publish-
ers please note this list is (c) 1985 and the authors must be contact-
ed  prior to any  reproduction  (partial or whole) of this list in any
book, magazine, or periodical that is sold on a COMMERCIAL basis.

A  summary  of all operating remote access software  exchange  systems
which  use  Christensen  protocol,   (XMODEM),   for  file   transfers
and   are  available   to   the general public for  the  exchange   of
public   domain software.   (In addition to RCP/M systems,  this  list
also  includes PC/MS-DOS,  Unix and other non-CP/M  systems,  provided
that  they support XMODEM protocol for file transfers and have  public
domain   software  available  for  downloading.)

NOTE:  This  list  is updated  monthly,  please use the most recent to
avoid ill-placed calls.  Lists are  published  on a  rotating schedule
beginning  with the  current author (see above) and continuing  to the
next on the list:  Jud Newell,  Kim Levitt, Steve Sanders, Jud, etc...
Lists are usually put out around the 15th-20th  of each month, but the
actual date may be different, check with the next scheduled author.

        >>> This listing used to be known as RCPM-nnn.LST <<<

NEXT THREE LISTS >>>> 69 - Steve Sanders 12-85 | 70 - Jud Newell  1-86
                      71 - Kim Levitt 2-86

* SPECIAL NOTICE TO SYSOPS:  Please inform Kim,  Jud  or  Steve of any
changes in your system to avoid being removed from the list,  which is
verified periodically. If your system is no longer functioning, please
have a  friend modem a message so your system can be deleted.  If your
system is deleted in error,  please send a message  and you will added
back on the list.

Send update information to:

         Kim Levitt - MBBS HEADQUARTERS PDSE - (213) 653-6398
  [Upload a text file using XMODEM and/or leave comment on exiting]
                 Jud Newell - CANADA REMOTE SYSTEMS -
   (416) 232-0442 (3 Systems), 231-0538 (4 Systems), 232-1470, 231-
   9202,  232-8204 (Macintosh Mouse BBS) or to Fido  Host 111 (node
   381/net 111).   Also available by Canadian Datapac or US Telenet
                  (call voice 416 239 2835 for info)
                  [Leave comments on exiting system]
           Steve Sanders - The DataCOM Super Systems(tm) -
                   (813) 791-1454 or (813) 791-1455
                  [Leave comments on exiting system]

   (See file NEW-SYS.OPS on most systems for required information.)

Unless indicated otherwise, all systems are up 24 hours/7 days with no
callback.  Non-24 hour  systems have  hours  of operation listed after
sysop's name, callback systems have a "cb" before phone number. (NOTE:
"(no ans if in use)" for "hours" means  system is up  24 hrs unless in
in use by the system operator locally.)

Systems charging fees have a dollar sign "$" after phone number.  Some
systems may restrict "first-time" users,  be sure to  read the opening
info files when accessing a new system.

Baud Rate/Protocol Key: (shown after sysop name/hrs)
   1=110 / 3=300 / 4=450 / 6=600 / 7=710 / B=Bell 212A 1200
   C=CCITT v.22 bis 2400 / V=Vadic 1200

Disk Capacity: (shown after baud rates)
   K=Kilobytes / M=Megabytes

(Example: "(3BV;10M)" means: 300, Bell 212A 1200, and Vadic 1200 baud,
 with 10 megabytes on-line.)

Verification Codes: (shown at end of verified entries)
   V=Verified / NA=No Answer / NN=New Number (date verified follows)
   (systems verified by carrier or busy, no answer systems removed
   from list.)

(Example: "(V:10/85)" means:  Verified on Oct. 1985)

(See notes at end of list for more information)

Annison MBBS ........................................ (205) 238-0012
   Tom Bowerman; 8A-10P daily; (?;?) (V:10/85)
Auburn RBBS ......................................... (205) 821-5134
   Randal Depriest;  6P-8A M-F,  wknd  24hrs;  (3B;20M);  IBM-PC
   system.   (V:10/85)
Auburn TigerBoard ................................... (205) 826-4437
   T.D.  Placek;  (3B;30M);  IBM-XT  system at the Chemical Engr.
   Dept.  of Auburn University.  (V:10/85)
Birmingham Town Crier ............................... (205) 951-2230
   Sysop ??;  (3B;10M);  TRS-80 Model III,  mixed board, 24 hrs.
CP/M User's Group RCPM .............................. (205) 882-1140
   Jim  Offenbecher;  (no ans if  in  use);  (3B;2.5M);  General
   Interest,   CPM UG & SIG/M libraries. (Huntsville) (V:10/85)
Gadsden Infinite Board .............................. (205) 543-1064
   Thomas A. Callahan; (3B;10M); TRS-80 system; 24 hrs (V:10/85)
Huntsville Cygnus X-1 MBBS .......................... (205) 883-6507
   Chris Turvey; (3BC;360K);  Interests in CP/M,  Pascal, C, MS-
   DOS, etc.; New USR 2400 modem. (V:11/85)
Huntsville Randolph BBS ............................. (205) 883-9030
   Brian Reynolds;  (137;??);  PDP-11/44 system with up/download
   message system, and online games.  (V:10/85)

Alaska ACCESS Bulletin Board - RCP/M ................ (907) 694-7561 $
   Bob Jones;  (3B;10M);  Asst Sysops: Pat Wilke & Walter Sorton
   Kaypro 10 running Z3;  Interests:  ZCPR3,  MEX,  UNIX,C, Ham;
   Write     to Alaska ACCESS  BBS,  8730  Ange,  Anchorage,  AK
   99515; $35 per    year. (V10/85)
Anchorage Remote CP/M (ARCPM) ....................... (907) 349-7996 $
   Rodger  Ellis;  (34B;32M);   RBBS,  24Mb  CP/M,  8Mb  MS-DOS;
   Epson/Valdocs, Kaypro, Turbo Pascal, Heath,  IBM, more; RBBS-
   only access to guests;  Online since 1982;  Newcomers:  Leave
   name/address for info package. (V:11/85)

Bear Tracks RCPM * RBBS ............................. (602) 997-6663
   Bernard Lambert;  (3;780K);  Kaypro 2X Open to the Public for
   CP/M, PC/MS-DOS, PDSE RBBS;  Pay Services are: PHOTOSET TYPE,
   CONVERSION; Welcomes all users. (NN:11/85)
DOKTUR's Z-Node ..................................... (602) 279-2762
   Robert Gear; (3BC;7.4M);  Arizona support system for  Naturo-
   pathic & Chiropractic Physicians;  catering to Medical Topics
   & Physicians along with ZCPR. All users welcome with restric-
   ted access until verification. (NN:11/85)
Lost Dutchman's Gold Mine No. 1 RCP/M-RBBS .......... (602) 848-6708
   Jim  Gronek;  (3B;10M);  Kaypro  II w/10MB  Helix;  sections:
   Kaypro   DBaseII,  Games,  Utilities; all CP/M users welcome.
Lost Dutchman's Gold Mine No. 2 RCP/M-RBBS .......... (602) 863-1435
   Kelvin Giles,  Robb Leatherwood,  Paul Nanc; (3B;10M); Kaypro
   10;    sections;  Kaypro,  ZCPR,  Utilites and more, all CP/M
   users welcome   (V:10/85)


[CALIFORNIA - Northern]
Atlas Micro Associates `MCI' GOLIATH Node 005 ....... (408) 379-8086
   Bill Spoolhoff; (3B;40M); Runs under Compupro Concurrent CP/M
   Interests  CP/M816,   CCP/M816,  Compupro hardware,  CB80/86,
   'C', Communications.  Registration required.  (Or by being a
   sysop listed in current PDSE list.) (V:10/85)
Computer Language BBS ............................... (415) 957-9370
   (also 957-5840) Hugh Byrne;  (3B;15M); caters to programmers;
   Areas for many languages; pub. dom. CP/M, IBM, Mac; Sponsored
   by Computer Language magazine. (San Francisco) (V:10/85)
CrosNest II (DataTech Node 014) ..................... (415) 341-9336
   Wilbur H.  Smith;  (3;2.8M); (Box 962, San Mateo, Ca. 94403);
   CDOS,    CP/M  hardware/software  tipes/bulletins/educational
   utilities &   communications software (SF Bay area) (V:10/85)
dBASE II RCP/M Campbell, CA ......................... (408) 378-8733 $
   Roger D. Brown;  (3B;4M);  dBASE II available on-line to demo
   software from independent software developers;  ($40/yr fee);
   (San Jose area) (V:11/85)
Digikron Systems Z-NODE RBBS/RCPM ................... (408) 253-1309
   Douglas Thom;  (3B;70M);  Ampro Little Board with ZRDOS/ZCPR3
   operating  system;  interests in Apple ///  CP/M,  Macintosh.
   (San Jose) (V:10/85)
Eigenware RC/PM RBBS ................................ (408) 867-6575
   Karl  Remmler;   (3B;10M);   C,   Pascal,   ADA,   and  Forth
   prgorammer's   database.  H89 system.  Heath/Zenith Z89, Z100
   and IBM compatible software. (Saratoga). (V:10/85)
FOG RBBS-RCP/M #1 ................................... (415) 755-2030
   First Osborne Group; (3B;47M); Box 3051, Daly City, CA 94015;
   FOG    Network  Headquarters.   Registration required  before
   CP/M access   granted.   Large CP/M (Kaypro, Osborne, Morrow,
   etc.) p/d library.   (V:10/85)
FOG RBBS-RCP/M #3 ................................... (415) 992-8542
   Gale  Rhoades;  (3B;47M);  Box 3051,  Daly  City,  CA  94015;
   Registration  required before CP/M access granted.  Extensive
   CP/M  (Kaypro,    Osborne,  Morrow,  Televideo)  p/d  library
   available to FOG members.   (V:10/85)
FOG RBBS-RCP/M #4 ................................... (415) 591-6259
   Roy  Robinson;  (3B;10M);  Registration required before  CP/M
   access    granted.  FOG CP/M p/d library (Kaypro,  Lobo  Max,
   Osborne,  Morrow,    Televideo, etc.) available on request to
   FOG members. (V:10/85)
FOG RBBS-RCP/M #5 ................................... (415) 424-1482
   Frank  Morton;  (3B;10M);   Registration required before CP/M
   access   granted.   FOG CP/M p/d library (Kaypro,  Lobo  Max,
   Osborne,  Morrow,    Televideo, etc.) available on request to
   FOG members. (V:10/85)
FOG RBBS-RCP/M #12 .................................. (415) 851-7732
   Troy  Soult;  (3B;40M);  Registration  required  before  CP/M
   access    granted.  FOG CP/M p/d library (Kaypro,  Lobo  Max,
   Osborne,  Morrow,    Televideo, etc.) available on request to
   FOG members. (V:10/85)
FOG RBBS-RCP/M #18 .................................. (707) 557-4403
   Ron  Forsythe;  (3B;360K);  Registration required before CP/M
   access   granted.   FOG CP/M p/d library (Kaypro,  Lobo  Max,
   Osborne,  Morrow,    Televideo, etc.) available on request to
   FOG members.(V:10/85)
FOG RBBS-RCP/M #31 .................................. (415) 692-1406
   Jim Switz; M-F 6P-8A, wknd 24 hrs; (3B;720K); Registration is
   required  before  CP/M access granted.  FOG CPM  p/d  library
   (Kaypro,    Lobo  Max,  Osborne,  Morrow etc.)  available  on
   request to FOG   members. (V:10/85)
FW Backus Technical Support BBS ..................... (415) 493-4506
   Andrew Hart;  (3B;640K); Tech. support system for F.W. Backus
   Co.    and dealers; running on Televideo TS-802; (if password
   requested    system   up  for private  access,   please  call
   back  later).   Now Datatech Node #17 (V:10/85)
Humor and Wisdom .................................... (415) 674-0660
   Wayne Webber;   (3B;1.5M);   Humor, Jokes, poetry, insighths,
   etc;    Also  supports  software download,   upload.  (SF Bay
   Area)   (V:10/85)
KAY*FOG RBBS-RCP/M SYSTEM (FOG System #11) .......... (415) 285-2687
   Bond Shands;  (3B;10M): (Box 11135, San Francisco, CA 94101);
   No   fees  - registration  required;   special  interests   -
   newcomers   to BBS's and modeming,  Kaypro,  Osborne, Morrow,
   and general CP/M.   (V:10/85)
KBBS FORUM .......................................... (415) 826-2131
   Bond Shands;  (3B;??K);  A computer conferencing BBS for all;
   To    register,  send name,  address,  phone  #,  an  8-digit
   password  plus   $2 handling fee to:  Golden Gate Information
   Systems; POB 11135;   San Francisco, CA 94101; (V:10/85)
Leasametric, Inc .................................... (415) 574-4427
   Howard Stateman;  (3BC;10M);  Validated phone number required
   to gain access to CP/M.  CP/M and MS-DOS programs.  Technical
   help on PC's, BASIC programming and dBASE II (V:10/85)
MERCED RCP/M-RBBS ................................... (209) 383-6417
   Clinton Cook; M-F 6P-7A, wknd 24 hrs; (3B;3.5M); Ampro little
   board system; Interests ZCPR3, ZRDOS, CP/M. (V:10/85)
Napa Valley RCPM/DBBS ............................... (707) 257-6502
   Dave  Austin;  (346B;2M);   Features:  CPMUG/SIG/M  software.
   Also     6502  & 8086 sections.   Interest  in  BDS/Aztec  C,
   dBase,  Ham  Radio   This board supports the Napa Valley CP/M
   users group P.O.  BOX    4096 NAPA,CA  94558;    IMSAI/VIASYN
   system.; (Napa) (V:10/85)
NorthStar Rcpm Node #1 .............................. (415) 933-7391
   ??Sysop??; Tu/Thu/Sat 24 hrs; (3B;15M);  Interests: NorthStar
   Computers  and  Software,  games to  play  available  online;
   (Pleasant Hill) (NN:11/85)
Orangevale RCP/M .................................... (916) 988-2660 $
   Ken  Benedict;  (3B;46M);  ZCPR3 on AMPRO Little Board;  Most
   CP/M    User  Group & SIG/M public  domain  software  online.
   Message system   free,  CP/M access $20/year.  Directory list
   free. (V:10/85)
Potpourri OxGate & RCP/M OxGate-012 ................. (408) 378-7474
   Wayne Masters & Irv Hoff;  (3BVC;100M);  Leave name  & system
   phone#;  (registration  is required  for  access to  software
   exchange); (San Jose) (V:11/85)
RBBS of Marin County ................................ (415) 383-0473
   Jim Ayers;  M-F 5P-8:30A,  wknd 24 hrs; (1-7;10M); drives A:-
   E:,    user  areas  1-2 w/ SIGM and CP/MUG  pgms;   (SF   bay
   area)   (V:10/85)
Santa Clara RCP/M ................................... (408) 247-2853
   Jeff King (3B;80M) IBM,MACINTOSH,  CP/M,  Pascal,  Forth,  C,
   Rainbow, HP150 (V:10/85)
Saratoga OxGate & RCP/M, Saratoga, CA ............... (408) 354-5934
   Chuck Metz & Paul Traina;  (3BC;85M);  [OxGate headquarters];
   Applicants send info & SASE  (for confirmation)  to:  OxGate,
   PO Box 60655, Sunnyvale, CA  90488.  Give full name,  desired
   password, address, phone, & computer type. (San Jose area)
SERVU ............................................... (408) 238-9621
   Al Mehr; (3BC;27M); ZCPR2, CP/MUG, SIG/M, CP/M-86, PC/MS-DOS;
   (registration   required  for access to  software   exchange)
SUTTER HOSPITAL BBS ................................. (916) 454-3324
   Carl   Pantiskas;   (34B;???);   For  biomedical   engineers,
   technicians,    etc.   Full  message service.   Also supports
   uploads/downloads.    (450 baud supported after 300 baud  log
   on) (V:10/85)
Tek-80 RCP/M/RBBS ................................... (707) 425-2277
   (dial  707-HAL-BBSS);   John  Ray;   (3B;40M);  public domain
   CP/M    software;  electronics  support exchange  on  message
   system.  Special   user areas for Ampro,  etc.;  40 meg drive
   with 26 meg available to   general public. Another 20-40 meg.
   soon; (Fairfield) (V:10/85)
The ZCPR3 BBS/Z-Node Central ............................ (415) 489-9005
   David McCord; (3B;6.5M); METAL message system; OFFICIAL ZCPR3
   BBS,  sponsored by Echelon,  Inc. The authoritative source of
   updated ZCPR3 utilities and the Echelon newsletters. Also has
   pre-configured  ZCPR3  packages  for  Apple,  Heath,  Kaypro,
   Morrow,    and other machines.  Accessible to ALL callers, no
   restrictions.    Uses the Z-Node software, which replaces all
   of CP/M. (V:10/85)
Walnut Creek RCPM/SBBS .............................. (415) 938-9470
   Werner Gumpert; (3BC;11M); Software for CPM-80, CPM-86, CCPM,
   MS-DOS, Morrow, Z-100, IBM PC and Clones. Running on a Morrow
   MD11. New USR 2400 modem. (V:11/85)
ZeeMachine Z-NODE #35 -- RBBS/PDSE .................. (408) 245-1420
   Norman Beeler; (3BC;20M); Full ZCPR3/ZRDOS support.  CP/M and
   DOS programs; (V:10/85)

[CALIFORNIA - Southern]
AnaHug RCPM/CBBS .................................... (714) 774-7860
   John Secor; (3B;10M); Interests: hobby computing, electronics
   hobbyists, ham radio; (Anaheim) (V:10/85)
Bankers & Hackers, System #1 ........................ (213) 498-6581
   Don Appleby;  (3;1.35M); NorthStar Horizon, pw (DIR) required
   Special interest in NorthStar, baZic, CP/M, ZCPR. Since 5/82.
   (Long Beach) (V:10/85)
Bankers & Hackers, System #2 ..(down temporarily).... (213) 498-8784
   Don Appleby; (3B;1.3M); NorthStar Horizon; Shares voice line,
   no  ans if in use.  pw required.  Interest in NorthStar CP/M,
   ZCPR,   TurboDos. (Long Beach) (V:10/85)
Barstow RCP/M ....................................... (619) 256-3914
   Bill Wood;  (3BC;16M);  H89 system. General interest CP/M and
   MS-DOS.  Specializing  in  latest  versions of  PD  software.
   NZCPR      in   use.   Complete   ZCPR3   and   ZCPR   files.
Beach City Rainbow, Fido #111 (Node 102) ............ (213) 376-9567
   Dan  Cannon  &  George  Underhal;   (3BC;33M):  DEC  Rainbow,
   supporting   MS-DOS and CP/M86/80.  1000+ Public domain files
   online for the   Rainbow, (Redondo Bch) (V:10/85)
CG MBBS RCP/M ....................................... (714) 796-4745
   Bill Pote;  (3B;7M) Sun-Thur 24 hours,  Friday till  sundown;
   dBASE  overlays,  PD  Utilities  in  both  CP/M  and  MS-DOS.
ComputerFood Press MBBS .(temporarily down).......... (213) 559-9033
   Tom Tucker;  midnight-10A daily; (3B;380K); (MBBS system #2);
   (system back up soon);
CPM/86 RCPM #1 ...................................... (619) 252-5367
   Lyle Skjerve; (3BC;56M); Running on  FUJITSU Micro-16s.  Have
   gone to  no access fee,  registration by mail  required after
   login. FULL FUJITSU Factory Tech-Tips/Troubleshooting proced-
   ures on line. Features CPM-80, CPM-86, CCPM-86, DOS & others.
Da Phantom Late-Nite RBBS ........................... (818) 365-2996
   KABjorke; LATE Nites, Weekends; (34;15M); IBM-PC System; what
   do    computers do at night?  The System for the  Society  to
   Establish  a    National Idle-Time  Pool.  C,  Forth,  Hi-End
   Grafix, ArtZ. (V:10/85)
Entre Computer Fido, Santa Barbara, CA .............. (805) 569-2459
   Steve Lemke; (3BC;10M); IBM-PC, CP/M-86 & MacIntosh software;
Father John's OxGate, Goleta, CA .................... (805) 967-3898
   John Higgins;  (3BC;10M);  CP/M  &  IBM-PC  software;  (Santa
   Barbara) (V:11/85)
G.F.R.N. Data Exchange (RBBS) Garden Grove .......... (714) 534-1547
   Doug  Laing;  (3BV;5M);  amateur  radio,  Apple/CPM;  (Garden
   Grove)   (V:10/85)
G.F.R.N. Data Exchange (RBBS) ....................... (213) 541-2503
   Skip  Hansen;  (3BV;2.4M);  ham  radio-related  pgms;  (Palos
   Verdes)   (V:10/85)
Glendale Littera QBBS(c) - RCP/M .................... (818) 956-6164
   Abel  Iwaz;  (no ans if in use);  (3BC;10M);  QBBS (c) multi-
   messaging,  5 active sub-boards, also SYSOPS FORUM, Kaypro 10
   system   w/ZCPR3;   interests:   Communications,   utilities,
   dBASEII,    ZCPR3,  Literary forum, special magazine section.
Goleta OxGate, Goleta, CA ........................... (805) 964-4115
   ?? Sysop ??;  (3BC;3.8M);  CP/M  &  IBM-PC  software;  (Santa
   Barbara) (NN:11/85)
Granada Engineering Group RCP/M ..................... (818) 360-5053
   Webber  Hall;  (3B;1M);  Running MBBS;  Users not allowed  to
   enter    public  messages or download until cleared by  Sysop
   (usually in   24 hrs). (Granada Hills) (V:10/85)
Ground Zero Lobo EMS ................................ (213) 430-0079
   Rick Edwards; (3BC;24M); Lobo MAX-80, CP/M Plus; Public Domain
   CP/M, MAX-80, Epson Geneva, and Model 100 software; Supporting
   MAXIMUL and MAX-80 enhancements. (Seal Beach) (NN:11/85)
Harrison BBS/RCP/M .................................. (619) 283-1538
   284-4448 Steve Harrison;  (3BC;140M).   Require  registration
   before   accessing.   Also 280-7057 (3B;100M) and 280-5052 (C
   Only;100M)   running Unix on AT&T 3B2. (V:10/85)
<I><C><U> RCP/M ....................................  (714) 381-2887
   John  Hohensee  & Cliff  Smith;  (3BC;20M);  Inland  Computer
   Users,  San  Bernardino;   CP/M and MS-DOS software;  an  ROS
JAC Computer RBBS/RCPM .............................. (213) 618-0151 $
   Al  Cobb;  (3B;10M);  Kaypro 10 running ZCPR3;  interests  in
   Kaypro,    dBase,  ZCPR3, & all public domain s/w. (Torrance)
La Canada RCPM/MBBS ................................. (818) 790-3014
   Chris Hays;  (3B;2.3M); electronics, communications software;
   (LA area) (V:10/85)
Ladera ZNODE bbs/Z-System, Los Angeles, CA .......... (213) 670-9465
   Al  Hawley;   (no  ans if in use);   (3B;16MB);   S100  ZCPR3
   SYSTEM;    ZNODE #2,  latest ZCPR3 software, news; interests:
   Z3 system and   communication software;  will assist with  Z3
   installation;   Other    software:   CP/M,  MSDOS  utilities,
   applications. (V:10/85)
L.A.M.U.G. RCP/M-XBBS ............................... (818) 340-9947
   Bob Moeller;  (no ans if in use);  (3B;20M);  Micro Decision;
   New    users  are required to leave address and phone  #  for
   password  to    enter  CP/M.   1000  public  domain  software
   programs. (V:10/85)
Laguna Hills RBBS-PC ................................ (714) 643-3066
   Mark Stein; (3BV;20M);  Latest  MS-DOS, CP/M-86 and Osborne 1
   software. (Laguna Hills) (NN:11/85)
Los Angeles Communication System .................... (213) 935-7570
   Steve Huntley; (3BC;2.5M); Epson QX-10, Kaypro, dBase II, CPM
   utilities.  Epson users group for  West L.A., Writers Special
   Interest Group and several sub-groups now on-line. (V:11/85)
MBBS Headquarters PDSE .............................. (213) 653-6398 $
   Kim Levitt;  (3BC;11M);  Micro Bulletin Board System (tm) #1;
   New users  must  register via  mail & pay  $10 yearly fee for
   full access privileges. Read info. on 1st log on for details;
   System headquarters for MBBS sysops & users;  latest versions
   of  MBBS,  MBYE  and associated utilities,  as well as CP/M &
   MS/PC-DOS software available on-line; Courier 2400; Interests
   include AT&T PC 6300, TurboSlave PC & Turbo Pascal. (V:11/85)
MicroBBS MSDOS & RCP/M .............................. (213) 598-8495
   Douglas   Coatney;   (3BC;14M)  Interests:   Zenith  Z100/HUG
   Software   Kaypro,  Osborne,  PCDOS, MSDOS, ZDOS, General CPM
   utils. (V:10/85)
Moonstar RBBS & RCP/M ............................... (818) 960-2374
   Jerry Proffitt; (no ans if in use); (3B;780K); S-100 interest
   General  interest PD Software;  Kaypro 4  with  ZCPR3;  Z-COM
   (Baldwin Park) (V:10/85)
Mvkug RBBS/RCPM ..................................... (714) 581-1556
   Randy  Tincher;  (3BC;10M);  EasyOn10(tm) System - Kaypro10 -
   BIOSMMR;  named dir's; Kaypro - MicroPro - ZCPR3 - EG Utils -
   RCP/M - dBase - PC-DOS - Basic; Mission Viejo KUG. (V:10/85)
Nexus RCPM/RBBS ..................................... (619) 486-0735
   Michael Breaux;  (3B;83M);  CP/M and general interests;  (San
   Diego) (V:10/85)
North County PDSE-MBBS .............................  (619) 755-7641
   Bill   Durney;   (3B;5M);   Interests  include  latest   CP/M
   Utilities,    CP/M+,  Games, PD software; running on a Zenith
   H-89.   (Solana Beach) (V:10/85)
Northridge Systems RCP/M - XBBS ..................... (818) 708-3284
   Robert M. Crump; (3B;1.2M); XBBS message system; drives A-D;
   1200 baud now supported. (V:10/85)
Northstar Downey RBBS ............................... (213) 861-2313
   Brian  Holmes;  (3B;15M);  Northstar Advantage  system;  CP/M
   utils,   and MDM7xx; technical assistance.  (V:10/85)
Orange County NEC-APC Users Group (OCNUG) ........... (714) 897-7656
   John Bingel; M-F 7P-6A, wknd 24 hrs; (3B;30M); NEC-APC, CP/M-
   86,    MS-DOS,  TURBO-PASCAL;  (system  is Northstar Horizon)
Orange County RBBS/ZNODE ............................ (714) 855-0672
   Rea Williams; (3BC;20M); ZNODE #10, Latest ZCPR3 software and
   Echelon newsletters;  Turbo Pascal, MEX, dBase, public domain
   library; ZRDOS operating system.  (V:10/85)
Ozzy's Place RCP/M ............................... cb (714) 841-0064
   Alan  Premselaar;   Osborne-based  RCP/M  running  56k  ZCPR2
PVAC ................................................ (213) 306-1172
   Harris Boldt Edelman; (3BC; 772kb); Gapht-node 0;  Since April,
   1983, pvac has little to do with The Entropy Fort.  Now accept-
   ing entries for the American User Awards.  (Venice)
Rainbow Data, Fido BBS #36 .......................... (213) 204-2996
   Don Brauns;  (3B;45M); DEC Rainbow, MSDOS 2.05; Public domain
   &    demo  software  for Rainbow.  VT100  graphics  at  loon.
   Support for   TELINK, MODEM7 & XMODEM (Culver City) (V:10/85)
Sabaline ............................................ (619) 692-1961
   Don Saba;  (3BC;10M);  K-NET 84(tm) system; Interest in Apple
   CP/M,    Kaypro,  MSDOS;  SYSOP operates 3 systems & features
   pgms he can   test. Serves local Kaypro Group. (V:10/85)
San Diego Experimental RC System (SDEXPRC) .......... (619) 452-1869
   Brian Kantor; (3BV;3.6M); News and Mail; interests in amateur
   digital packet radio,  graphics,  and advanced microprocessor
   tech    System  powers  up  on call & answers on 3rd or   4th
   ring.   (V:10/85)
Santa Barbara OxGate, Santa Barbara, CA ............. (805) 682-3486
   Bill & Jane McGrew; (3BC; 3.8M); CP/M software. (NN:11/85)
Simi BBS ............................................ (805) 522-4211
   Greg Cassity;  (no ans if in use); (3?;???K); ads for new and
   used hardware, technical help & software exchange. (V:10/85)
Simi-PDSE............................................ (805) 584-6054
   John D'Amico; (3B;20M); Main interest is  CCP/M,  Running  on
   CompuPro System-816;RBBS and Public Domain software exchange;
   general interest,  CompuPro computers,  asm, languages, zcpr,
   16 bit, etc.; 2000+ files on line; 2400 baud planned.
Star RBBS ........................................... (213) 402-1514
   Richard Wilabee; (3B;?) MS/PC Dos Programs (V:10/85)
TD RCPM ............................................. (213) 217-8919
   Tim   Chiaretto;    (3B;2.4M);    Main  interest   is   CCPM,
   running    Compupro  CCPM 3.1D with PC Video Board when  RCPM
   not in  use.   No answer when in use. (V:10/85)
The CP/M Connection MBBS/RCPM........................ (213) 530-0670
   Arun Baheti; NOW up 24 hrs/7 days!; (3BC;7M);  Xerox Systems;
   Modem, CP/M-80, CPM-86, MS-DOS, Printers, CP/M Music, MBASIC,
   Digitized Pictures, RCPM Utils, C, ZCPR, MBBS, Arpanet,  etc.
   NO registration required. System now supporting 2400 baud and
   1k Packet transfers! (V:11/85)
The Downey Remote CP/M Exchange Center .............. (213) 806-2226
   Mark  Motley;   (3BC;10M);  Kaypro,  Osborne  software  &  PD
   languages;   ZCPR3, MEX, MEX overlays and patches. (V:10/85)
The Gutter Press of Athens .......................... (213) 473-3176
   Dan Tenenbaum;  (3BC;780K);  Gapht-node  1.  Come  enjoy  the
   spirit  of  iconoclasm that made  glass recycling  fun in the
   first place. You don't need a weatherman. Either. (West LA)
The Ham Shack (ZorbaNet  #6) ........................ (805) 644-6136
   John A. Maclean,  Bob Weaver and  Larry Robertson; (3B;800K);
   Running on a Zorba P.C.;  Currently  active msg. sections are
   "General",  "Ham Radio", "CP/M users",  "Swapmeet"  and "DOS"
   (for IBM and clones). (Ventura) (NN:11/85)
The MOG-UR'S EMS .................................... (818) 366-1238
   Tom  Tcimpidis;  (3B;27M);  multiuser now with  2  lines;  20
   special   interest groups with varied interests. Database use
   welcome to   all systems,  operating systems and users;  (San
   Fernando valley,   LA area) (V:10/85)
The Oriental Express RCP/M .......................... (213) 532-3336
   Steve  Kitahata;  (no ans if in use);  (3B;280K);  Apple  //e
   system    running  MBBS(tm);   Specializing  in  latest  CP/M
   utilities & Apple   specific software; 10M hard disk up soon.
   (Gardena) (V:10/85)
The Plaster of Paris Review MBBS .................... (213) 413-4072
   John  Poplett;  no answer if in  use;  (3BC;800K);  Interest:
   fiction   poetry,  pop culture, culture.  Online movie & book
   reviews, jokes,   dialogue; CP/M software rotated on drive B.
   (Echo Park) (V:10/85)
Thousand Oaks Technical RCP/M (RIOS) S/1 ............ (805) 492-5472
   Trevor  Marshall;  (3,36B;66M);  Use  CHAT to  request  noise
   resistant   300 baud modem;  active BBS; ALL SIG/M, PC-Blue &
   Capitol-PC  Users   Group software.  Most C-UG  vols.  (7900+
   files on-line.) (V:11/85)   (Until floppies repaired,  cannot
   accept uploads, send to S/2.)
Thousand Oaks Technical RCP/M (RIOS) S/2 ............ (805) 493-1495
   Trevor Marshall;  (3B;65M);  no BBS;  unlimited upload  time,
   down-   load  time 15 mins/day max.,  (increased 2 for 1  for
   uploads);    (Networked  to same 64MB hard disk as system 1.)
Toshiba America T-Net (Fido #470) ................... (714) 832-0642
   Bob Stillwell; (3B,10M); General interest in Toshiba Computer
   and Printer products.  Some CP/M and MS-DOS programs (Tustin)
Van Nuys VictorLink ................................. (818) 989-2216
   Jim Benanti, David Rensin; (3B;10M) Victor 9000, specializing
   in utilities,  communications, libraries for Victor 9000. New
   users must leave user profile for full access. (V:10/85)
Ventura TBBS ........................................ (805) 656-3746
   Timothy Sewell;  (3BC;??M);  Supports most computers  and has
   fairly large CP/M  and MSDOS sections.  It is also one of the
   few boards around that has a MAC SIG. (NN:11/85)
Videoman RCP/M and XBBS ............................. (213) 666-8588
   Norman Strassner; (3B;2.5M); CompuPro with Qume 8"; expanding
   to hard disk drive soon;  interests in CP/M 86,  dBase,  etc;
   Television directing, editing, production tech (V:10/85)
West L.A. Epson RBBS ................................ (213) 398-2395
   Al Kaplan; (3B;752K); Discuss subjects on-line, public domain
   software; Epson QX-10 system. (V:10/85)
West Los Angeles RCP/M .............................. (213) 838-9229
   Gary B. Inman; (3BC;4.8M); System features CP/M public domain
   software;   restricted  access  until  validated.  (West  LA)
   Now supports 2400 baud with USR Courier. (V:11/85)
WSS BBS System ...................................... (818) 704-1871
   Jeff    Woolf;    (3;2.4M);    Caters   to   Move-It   users.
   Upload/download   features driven from BBS.   No CP/M  access
   is allowed.  Sponsored   by Woolf Software Systems. (V:10/85)

Colorado Springs Computer Communications ............ (303) 598-4500 $
   Thom Foulks;  (3B;2.1M);  Colorado Springs User Group members
   only;   (On-line application available) (V:10/85)
COMP-U-RADO  (Node 1)................................ (303) 593-1072
   Bruce McDaniels;  (3BC;10M);  Kaypro 10 system; Now operating
   at     Interests:   Kaypro,   Unix,   MS-DOS,   CP/M  and  C;
   Preregistration    required. (V:10/85)
COMP-U-RADO (Node 2) ................................ (303) 598-3889
   Les McDonald;  (3BC;50M); TRS Mod IV system;  Interests: CP/M
   Unix,  MS-DOS,  Communications and C; Now 2400 baud (USR2400)
   1K PACKET SUPPORT; Pre-registration required. (V:11/85)
CP/M SIG RCPM/RIBM SYSTEMS .......................... (303) 465-1313
   Al Lindquist;  (3B;10M); Password access after validate; CP/M
   SIG,  Inc Broomfield,  Co., provides latest SIG/M and PC-BLUE
   releases on-line; RIBM rotates w/RCPM.  (V:10/85)
DownHome MBBS ....................................... (303) 665-9520
   Mike  Lacasella;  (3BC;752K) Epson QX-10 Software  and  Info;
   (Louisville) (V:10/85)
<E>lectronic <L>ocksmith (tm) RCP/M EM-X ............ (303) 973-2167
   Steve  Ekwall  and Laura Conlon "Dualing  Sysops";  (3B;47M).
   Established  for  the Locksmithing and    Security  Industry.
   Industry users get full access to system   user areas.   OS1-
   Public EMX-mail & mega-P/Domain files. (V:10/85)
Lakewood MURCP/M SYSTEM #1 .......................... (303) 985-1108 $
   Gary  Shaffstall;  12 midnite to 12 noon  daily;  (3B;40.2M);
   6000+  files  available from SIG/M,  CPMUG,  and  other  user
   groups.   Preregistration, annual fee of $24 (V:10/85)
The DenHUG (ZBBS) RCP/M ............................. (303) 423-3224
   Bucky Carr,  Mike DeWeese, Don Roth; (3B;20M);  Private board
   for   members of the national Heath Users' Group.   You  must
   have  a  HUG    number  for  access.   Heath/Zenith  computer
   related programs and   other new release software.   (Denver)
The World Peace (ZBBS) RCP/M ........................ (303) 320-4822
   Fr.  Alfred  K Carr;  (3BC;16M);  Online application w/  full
   access     in <96 hrs.   Concentrating on communication  pgms
   such as IMP,     BYE3,  BYE5,  MBYE3x, MEX, MDM7, XMDM, FIDO,
   KMD,etc.   Other late    release SW also available.  (Denver)
Unknown TBBS ........................................ (303) 988-8155
   Henry Birdseye; (3B;10M); S-100 system with CP/M software and
   joke  downloads;  using  TBBS bbs software;  Complete  access
   allowed   to system after sysop clears new users.  (Lakewood)

Bill's Toy (Fido #408) .............................. (203) 792-6574
   Bill Waggoner; (10P-8A); (3B;10M); Interests: Pascal, Infocom
   games.  System  running  DoubleDos  or  TascMaster.  (Bethel)
Bruce's Fido (Fido #208) ............................ (203) 236-3761
   Bruce Lomaski; (3B;???); (W. Hartford) (V:10/85)
Chez's RCPM+/RBBS ................................... (203) 446-8313
   Tom  Chesley;  (3BC;20M);  Interested  in anything  involving
   computers;  system is a  Lobo Max-80  with 20+ meg online for
   access; (Groton) (NN:11/85)
Firesign Theatre (Fido #209) ........................ (203) 234-0742
   Bill  Becker;   (3B;???);  Interest  in  'C',  Turbo  Pascal,
   Macintosh,   IBM PC. (New Haven) (V:10/85)
Ham Radio Net (Fido #201) ........................... (203) 665-1114 $
   Ed  Raso;   (3B;10M);   Interest  in  Ham  Radio.  (Newington)
MetChem (Fido #42) .................................. (203) 281-7287
   Jon Bauer;  (3B;33M);  Interest in IBM PC, DEC, Turbo Pascal.
   (North Haven) (V:10/85)
Mission Control I (Fido #213) ....................... (203) 334-5778
   Larry CoCo,  Steve Earl,  Jim Ryan;  (3B;600K);  Registration
   required  for  download/upload access.  Leave message to  Jim
   Ryan    for information on private Sysop's BBS.  (Bridgeport)
Mission Control II (Fido #212) ...................... (203) 878-6355
   Dave Dennop; (3B;15M); Interest in IBM PC. Extensive download
   library online. (Milford) (V:10/85)
Naugy-Net ........................................... (203) 729-7569
   Vince Perriello; (3B;10M) Interests IBM, DEC, Tandy,Commodore
   Apple, Mac (Naugatuck, CT) (V:10/85)
Thames Valley RCP/M ................................. (203) 889-7202
   Chuck Hatcher;  (3B;7M) Heath H-89; CP/M and related systems,
Xerox East RCP/M RBBS ............................... (203) 232-3180
   Dave Shefelbine; (3B;10M); General Interest and  Xerox 820-II
   programs. (Hartford) (V:10/85)
   communications, languages. (Norwich) (V:10/85)


Astronomer's RBBS, STAR-NET, GENERAL LIBRARY......... (305) 268-8576
   Chuck   Cole;   (3B;30M);   Astronomy,   Physical   Sciences,
   Engineering,   & STAR-NET astro group.  Large GENERAL LIBRARY
   also  (over  5000    files,   PC,  CP/M,  &  others).   Comet
   ephemeris,   on-line  programs.    Multiuser  w/telescopes  &
   charts on-line soon.   (Titusville, FL)    (V:10/85)
Astronomer's RBBS, STAR-NET, GENERAL LIBRARY......... (305) 639-0715
   Chuck   Cole;   (3B;30M);   Astronomy,   Physical   Sciences,
   Engineering,   & STAR-NET astro group.  Large GENERAL LIBRARY
   also  (over  5000    files,   PC,  CP/M,  &  others).   Comet
   ephemeris,   on-line  programs.    Multiuser  w/telescopes  &
   charts on-line soon. (all NASA KSC area)   (V:10/85)
Bob's Corner Board .................................. (904) 373-5864
   Robert Cox; (3BC;2.4M); MBBS system; (Gainesville); (V:10/85)
Computer Consultant Co. Z-NODE #29 RCP/M ............ (305) 295-0844
   Ed Unrein;  (3BC;30M);  SIG/M,  ZCPR3,  Echelon  distribution
   system;   Running on Kaypro 10 w/ added 20MB disk. (V:10/85)
DataCOM Super Systems(tm) ......... (813) 791-1454 or (813) 791-1455 $
   Steve   Sanders;  (3BC;50M);  A  Remote  TurboDOS  multi-user
   database   with  30+  specific  file  areas;  TurboDOS utils,
   MEX,   MexPlus,  ZCPR3,   Turbo  Pascal,  MS/PC-DOS,  CP/M80,
   CP/M86,   Kaypro,  dBase,  Big Board,  CP/M  Plus;   Large PD
   library  with over 14,000 files avail;  The  $R/O (Read Only)
   news/magazine  origination  point;   Standard  membership  is
   $35/yr,  VIP  is  $125  and  includes  a disk  of  new public
   domain  in  Kaypro  format  every  month via  US Mail;  Addr:
   TBKUG/DataCOM,  2643  Cedarview Ct.,  Clearwater,  FL.  33519
   Origination point  for  T-NET 85(tm)  Remote TurboDOS Message
   !!!!!! Note: PHONE NUMBERS ARE  N E W  AS OF 11/15/85 !!!!!!!
Melbourne Beach CRCP/M GOLIATH ...................... (305) 727-0331
   Alex  Soya;  (3BC;52M);  Concurrent  RCP/M on  CompuPro  8-16
   system.     Interests:   CPM86,   CPM68K  &  Concurrent  CPM.
   (Melbourne) (V:10/85)
Orlando, Florida Remote Concurrent Multiuser System.. (305) 677-8086
   Larry  Snyder;  (3BCV;80M);  CompuPro 80286,  communications,
   spreadsheets,  dBase  II & III,  CP/M  816,  Concurrent  DOS;
   limited access without membership.  (V:10/85)
Orlando Technical RCP/M ............................. (305) 647-1147
   Jim Smith (3BC;?) (V:10/85)
Sanctuary ........................................... (305) 736-4950
   Chris DeBracy;   (3B;10M);  Interests:  Communications, Turbo
   Pascal,  Kaypro, RCP/M + ZCPR2 & 3.  INFOCOM software demo'ed
   and sold. Extensive PD library. (Port St Lucie) (V:10/85)
Softhaus/BBS Directory............................... (305) 231-6435
   Christopher  Fisher;   M-F  7pm-9am,  wknd  24hrs;  (3B;11M);
   Running  on  a Xerox 820-I using ROS.   Interests  in  Apple,
   Magic PC-88,  Kaypro, and Xerox. Source system for BBS column
   in  LINK-UP   magazine  and BBS Directory of  North  America.
Southern Micro RCPM ................................. (305) 625-3181
   Jim Wright; (3B;20M); Interests in ZCPR2, running LUX; drives
   A: thru H:, User 0 thru 3 available. (Miami) (V:10/85)
Tampa Z-NODE ........................................ (813) 831-7276
   Charlie Hoffman; (3B;20M); New 20MB hard disk; System running
   on ZRDOS operating system; Interest in ZCPR2/3, ZRDOS, dBase,
   CP/M80/86;  SIG/M-CPMUG releases; FOG library; Tampa Bay CP/M
   User's Group Z-Node. (V:10/85)
The John Galt Line .................................. (305) 235-1645
   Peter Glaskowsky;  (3BC;1.4M) (20M soon); appox. 600K message
   base and 300K of downloads;  MEX/XMODEM/MBYE overlays.  Sysop
   is author of TBBS(tm). (Miami) (V:10/85)

Atlanta RCP/M ....................................... (404) 627-7127
   Jim Altman;  (no ans if in use);  (3B;227M);  Interest in 'C'
   pgms,   SIG/M Vols 123-199 on-line as of 11/84. (V:10/85)
Columbus RBBS/RCPM .................................. (404) 324-7391
   Joe Earls;  (3B;10M);  Public or private Email;  public SIG's
   for   politics,  religion, and swapshop; Xmodem libraries for
   CP/M,    IBM-PC,  C-64,  others;  registration  but  no  fee.
Decibel RCP/M - MBBS ................................ (404) 288-6858
   Tom  Brady;  (3BC;20M);  Validation  required for CP/M  entry
   (usually   granted same day); (Decatur) (V:10/85)
FOG RBBS-RCP/M #27 .................................. (404) 354-0662
   Bob  Herrin;  (3B;10M);  Registration  required  before  CP/M
   access    granted.  FOG CP/M p/d library (Kaypro,  Lobo  Max,
   Osborne,  Morrow,    Televideo, etc.) available on request to
   FOG members. (V:10/85)
Norcross RCP/M RBBS ................................. (404) 921-1116
   Jim  Gooch;  (3B;7M);  Interest  in dBaseII;  last  drive  is
   working   RAMdisk. (V:10/85)
SOWEGA RCP/M-RBBS ................................... (912) 888-6264
   Ron Mani & Leonard Gilberg;  (3B;20M);  Dual Kaypro 10 system
   under ZCPR2 using RBBS 3.7;  Interests in TRS,  Commodore, S-
   100,   MEX, Turbo Pascal, Kaypro, ZCPR2/3, C.  (V:10/85)
SYSTEM 86 ........................................... (404) 451-2759
   Pat   Patton;   (3B;12M).    Software   for   the   NEC   APC
The Atlanta Kaypro MBBS ............................. (404) 923-2580
   Joubert Berger; (3B;10M); Interest in Kaypros, CP/M and Turbo
   Pascal; (Lilburn) (V:10/85)
The DC Networks ..................................... (404) 632-2109 $
   Tony  & Terry Stanley;  (3BV;10M);  Kaypro 10  running  K-NET
   84(tm) software; a fee required for full system access. (Blue
   Ridge) (V:11/85)

Hawaiian Shell RCP/M ................................ (808) 422-8406
   George Sofaly;  (3BC;10M);  Kaypro 10 system;  member of  the
   Kaypro-Network;  RCP/M  for  Hawaii Portable  Computer  Users
   Assoc. (Honolulu) (V:10/85)
Kauai RCP/M RBBS .................................... (808) 245-2080
   Gene  Clayton;   (no  ans  if  in  use);  (3B;800K);  (Lihue)


AIMS, Hinsdale, Ill ................................. (312) 789-0499
   Mark Pulver;  (1-7B;10M);  running PMMI & Hayes 1200  modems,
   1200    detect  at  2nd  CR  then 3  sec  to  switch  modems;
   (Chicago) (V:10/85)
Chicago Attache' User's Group RCP/M ................. (312) 397-6888
   Donald   Larson;    (no   ans   if   in   use);   (3B;1.54M);
   communications,    Otrona Attache' software. (V:10/85)
Fido 396, Net 115 ................................... (312) 338-8827
   Sidney Bratkovich;  8P-8A M-F, wknd 24hrs; (3B;20M); Interest
   in   Turbo Pascal, C, MS-DOS, CP/M. First time callers access
   all     message  bases,   one  file   area.   Must   complete
   registration for    full access. (V:10/85)
FOG RBBS-RCP/M #14 .................................. (217) 344-4032
   Jonathan Block;  (3B;20M);  Registration required before CP/M
   access  granted.   FOG CP/M p/d library  (Kaypro,  Lobo  Max,
   Osborne,    Morrow,  Televideo, etc.) available on request to
   FOG members. (V:10/85)
Glen Ellyn RCP/M .................................... (312) 469-2597
   Jim Mills;  (3B;20M); Interest in CP/M utilities, ZCPR3, MEX,
   and most other public domain. (V:10/85)
HI-RES Windy City Database .......................... (312) 394-5772
   Roger Heath; (3BC;10M); Epson QX-10 RTPM; has Epson users and
   Medical  R&D  boards;  Full graphics support for Epson  QX-10
   users    calling in. (V:10/85)
Lillipute Z-Node .................................... (312) 649-1730 $
   Richard Jacobson;  (3BC;10M);  METAL msg system;  official Z-
   System;    Z-NEWSletters  &  updates;  ZCPR3,  ZRDOS,  dBASE,
   TURBO;  latest   updated utilities.  $40/yr fee.    (Chicago)
Normal, Ill RBBS RCP/M .............................. (309) 452-8451
   Chuck Henderson;  (3;2.5M);  (1 c/r to start);  Public domain
   CP/M-80  and MS-DOS software,  utilities.   Mainly for NCR-PC
   (DMV)  users,  but all welcome.   Tech assistance for  NCR-PC
   hardware and software.  (V:10/85)
Palatine RCP/M ...................................... (312) 359-8080
   Tim Cannon;  (3B;4.8M);  Disks on B, C & D are changed daily;
   (Chicago area) (V:10/85)
Smokin' Silicon RCP/M ............................... (312) 941-0049
   John Sojak; (3B;45M); (Chicago area) (V:10/85)
STARLET ConNECtion BBS .............................. (312) 364-0048
   Steve Sarna;  (3B;???K);  NEC Home Electronics, METAL message
   system running under ZCPR2. (V:10/85)
Sun Valley RCPM ..................................... (312) 983-5147
   Ken  Stritzel;  (BC;104M);  300 baud not  supported.  Chicago
   area;    Registration required,  send SASE to P.O.  Box 1257,
   Lisle, IL   60532 (include password, 5-15 chrs); Latest SIG/M
   releases. (V:10/85)
The Orphanage RCPM & BBS System ..................... (312) 841-3612
   Dennis  Duffner;  (3B;512K) Running on a Toshiba  T100  using
   an Oakbrook Designs SIA card.  (Riverdale, Ill) (V:10/85)
WOVSED200 ........................................... (618) 378-2133
   Gary Sarff; M-F 4:30pm-8am; Weekends 24H; (3B;421M) WICAT 200
   (5+ C/r's to bring up system,  login as GUEST) C,Unix,  CP/M.
   entire  CPMUG library online.  SIG/M,  languages,  utilities,
   etc.   (Norris City) (V:10/85)

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