[net.micro.cpm] SYSGEN woes


Date:    Wed, 25-DEC-1985 22:08 EST
To:      info-cpm@amsaa.arpa
Organization: Science Applications Int'l. Corp., Oak Ridge, Tenn.
Geographic-Location: 36 01' 42" N, 84 14' 14" W
CompuServe-ID: [71636,52]
X-VMS-Mail-To: ARPA%"info-cpm@amsaa.arpa"

I use CP/M-80 on a variety of machines, but mostly on my Apple //e at
home (I also have CP/M for my C64).  Anyway, PCPI, ALS, and Commodore
were not nice enough to provide a SYSGEN or MOVCPM program with their
products.  Short of hacking upon the disk itself with a sector editor,
are their any substitute utilities I could use ?  Suggestions anyone ?

Many thanks.
