[net.micro.cpm] Hitachi HD64180 - Zilog Z80 compatibility bug

W8SDZ@SIMTEL20.ARPA (Keith Petersen) (02/20/86)

Forwarded from the RCP/M Sysop Clearinghouse...

--cut here--HD64180.BUG--cut here--
                     Last update:  02/09/86
                              V 1.0
I believe the following section was written by:
           (See Gateway Vol 2, No 11.  Jan. 24, 1986)
     If  you  are planning on using a Hitachi HD64180 (guess  you 
have to use Hitachi if you plan on using a 64180...) please  note 
that it is not directly compatible with Z80 (tm) style peripheral 
ICs when using the Mode 2 interrupt scheme.   I know; I found out 
the hard, expensive way.
     I  have  designed a packet switch for Amateur  packet  radio 
usage that is based on the 64180, a PIO, a pair of SIO/2s and the 
NCR5380 SCSI chip.  It also has 16 bytewide sockets and screws on 
the  side of a 5.25" floppy disk controller.   It is on a 4-layer 
board  and we had prototype boards made (compiled is the  nearest 
software  equivalent...).   During final hardware debug  testing, 
mode 2 interrupts were switched on.
     The peripheral would service exactly 1 interrupt,  then lock 
its IEO line low and stay that way until power off/power on reset 
was accomplished!
     It  turns  out that the timing of the LIR* output  from  the 
64180  needs to be delayed (undocumented requirement of  the  Z80 
(tm)  peripherals!).  Hitachi has a simple circuit to  accomplish 
this  if  you  happen  to have the spare flip flop  and  OR  gate 
floating  around on your board.   I didn't and simply  redesigned 
the wait-state generator to accomplish the same thing.
     Now Mode 2 works just fine.
                  The following section is by:
Hitachi  HD64180 8-Bit High Integration CMOS Microprocessor  Data 
Book  [January, 1985 #U77]
                  PG 27: I/O ADDRESSING NOTES:
     "The  on-chip I/O register addresses are located in the  I/O 
address  space from 0000H to 00FFH (16-bit I/O  addresses)."   [A 
note  under figure 2.2.5 on page 15:  'NOTE:  A16-A18 = 0 for I/O 
cycles'.] "Thus,  to access the on-chip I/O registers (using  I/O 
     [Is there some other way to access these registers,  besides 
I/O instructions?  IOE* and ME* would determine whether it is I/O 
or  MEmory,  so what does the last part of the previous paragraph 
"the high-order 8 bits of the 16-bit I/O address must be 0."
     "The  conventional I/O instructions (OUT (m),A / IN A,(m)  / 
OUTI / INI / etc.) Place the contents of a CPU register,"
     [The "B" register,  this is because of the way the Z-80 (tm) 
handles  the "IN g,(C)" and the "OUT (C),g"  instructions.   This 
means  that you could design a Z-80 circuit that could have  more 
than  256 I/O address,  by using the "B" register as part of  the 
I/O  address.  This  could  also means that if your  I/O  address 
decoder does not properly account for the A8 - A15 address  lines 
you may not get the I/O address you want.]
"on  the  high-order 8 bits of the address bus,  and thus may  be 
difficult to use for accessing on chip I/O registers."
     "For efficient on-chip I/O registers access, a number of new 
instructions have been added which force the high-order 8 bits of 
the 16-bit I/O address to 0.   These instructions are IN0,  OUT0, 
OTIM,  OTIMR, OTDM, OTDMR and TSTIO (See section 3.1 Instructions 
     [Unfortunitly   the  instructions  described  in  the   last 
paragraph  would  not  be Z-80 compatible,  if  that  is  of  any 
consideration.   A  possible  solution would be to zero  the  "B" 
register   of  the  64180  or  the  Z-80  before  doing  any  I/O 
instructions,  however  this  may  not be possible  {if  the  "B" 
register is being used} or practical in all cases.]

     "Note  that when writing to an internal  I/O  register,  the 
same  I/O  write  occurs  on  the  external  bus.   However,  the 
duplicate  external  I/O  write cycle will exhibit  internal  I/O 
write  cycle  timing.   For  example,  the WAIT*  input  and  the 
programmable  wait  state generator are  ignored."   [This  could 
conceivably  cause  some slow peripherals to 'go out to  lunch'.] 
"Similarly,  internal  I/O  read cycles also  cause  a  duplicate 
external  I/O  read cycle - however,  the external read  data  is 
ignored by the HD64180."
     "Normally,  external I/O addresses should be chosen to avoid 
overlap  with  internal  I/O  addresses to  avoid  duplicate  I/O 
     Several places Hitachi states that the HD64180 can  directly 
address  64K of I/O address [which it can in hardward] (pages  2, 
5,  15,  51 and others), however it does not tell how to do it in 
software.   Is there some way besides doing tricks with "B",  DMA 
or  I/O block instructions,  that I missed,  to address more than 
256   I/O  locations?     (Such  as  "OUT  (1234H),reg"  or   "IN 