Mailer@USC-ISIF.ARPA (The Mailer Daemon) (05/09/86)
Message failed for the following: STANLEY@USC-ISIF.ARPA: No such directory name ------------ Received: FROM USC-ECLB.ARPA BY USC-ISIF.ARPA WITH TCP ; 7 May 86 21:58:41 PDT Received: from AMSAA.ARPA by USC-ECLB.ARPA; Wed 7 May 86 21:57:18-PDT Received: from by AMSAA.ARPA id a000107; 8 May 86 0:15 EDT Date: Wed, 7 May 1986 22:14 MDT Message-ID: <KPETERSEN.12204946635.BABYL@SIMTEL20.ARPA> Sender: KPETERSEN@SIMTEL20.ARPA From: Keith Petersen <W8SDZ@SIMTEL20.ARPA> To: Info-Cpm@AMSAA.ARPA Subject: New CP/M program deals with MSDOS ARC 5.x files Now available from SIMTEL20: Filename Type Bytes CRC Directory PD:<CPM.CPMLIB> UNARC10.LBR.1 BINARY 89728 174DH The message below explains. --Keith Date: Wednesday, 7 May 1986 21:09-MDT From: Bernie Eiben - LDP Workstations <EIBEN at MARLBORO.DEC.COM> To: W8SDZ at SIMTEL20.ARPA Re: UNARC10.LBR Bernie, I have just uploaded UNARC10.LBR -- Yet another ARC File Processor for CP/M 2.X. This one combines the functions of ARCDIR and DEARC. It is written in Z80 Assembly Language, and supports the latest ARC file formats. Special thanks to this board for providing the C Language sources of MS-DOS ARC, which enabled me to write the program. Bob Freed ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks Bob, that was definitely a LONG NEEDED addition to CP/M! As discussed, the 'opposite' NARC will be another 'space' and time-saver! I had only one {minor} problem - since Rainbow's CPM86-80 swallows the T: since its above the allowed range of supported devices - so I had to change loc 107 from 20 {T} to 16 {P} - and then use P: to achieve screen-based listing. {The error-message was 'slightly' misleading a'la 'FILE not found' - if it would have repeated the damaged file-spec, it would have been even faster to correct}. N.B. all of the above documented in UNARC10.INF. Definitely A REAL addition for SYSOPS too and also a real disk-space and time-saver! Thanks again to Bob from all of us. Bernie {waiting for NARC -- Yeah I know, I'm never 'satisfied'..}