[net.micro.cpm] VMSWEEP


I have gotten the VMSSWEEP FORTRAN source from the SIMTEL20 Archives,
but am having trouble compiling it. 

VMSSWEEP is  described as a utility for handling .LBR and .ARC type
library files on VAX VMS. However, I have been unable to compile it
in a standard VAX/VMS environment.

We are running VMS version 4.4 with the VAX FORTRAN 4.4 compiler. When
I issue the command 'FOR VMSSWEEP', I get 131 error messages. Some of
these seem to be caused by comment and continuation mark being in the
wrong column. I don't know if the spacing in the file was corrupted or
if this code was developed for a compiler that is more lenient. Also,
I get erros for every SUBROUTINE, RETURN, and END statement with error
messages like "stattement out of order" or "statement not valid in 
this program unit" !!!

Can anyone shed some light on this problem?

I apoligize if this seems trivial, but I intentionally purge all memory
of FORTRAN ten years ago and have avoided all contact with VAX FORTRAN
in favor of C and LISP.

	Bob Haar