[net.comics] The Truth

firby (04/29/83)

 As far as I can remember, Gerber's dispute with Marvel was not creative, 
but monetary.  While Gerber did indeed "create" Howard, with Val 
Mayerik(sp?), he did so whi~le working under the infamous work for 
contract.  This meant that he had no further claim on the character, 
since it became sole property of Marvel.  The real trouble started 
when Howardmania began, and the duck was merchandised. 
 Gerber wasn't pleased that he wasn't getting any 
of the merchandising buckf marvel was raking in.  I think he did 
get a piece of the campaign buttons to keep him quiet.

The last straw came when there was talk about a movie, for which 
Gerber would get nothing.  Although he had left the company before 
this due to personality conflicts, he still decided to suefor the 
rights to the character, and F.O.O.G. was started to support the 
legal costs.

In the meantime, Howard was slowly beeing 
driven into the ground by Mantlo, the end coming with that nuclear 
power fiasco in the b+w magizine.  There has been some talk 
about reviving the character, but nothing can be done while Howard 
is in litigation.

So there you have it.  I hope that will end the discussion 
on the poor fowl, and maybe get into some interesting stuff 
about creators' rights.

I'm really glad to see that this group finally got started. 
 I think I'm going to have fun here.


 Please excuse the bizarre format and excentric spelling. I really 
do know better, but I'm writing this from home on a tempermental 
VIC, and a phone line that has the hiccups.  Sorry.


I'm going to be moving to New Haven, Conn. soon, and I'd like to 
know if there is a comic shop there.  I sure hope so.