[net.comics] Gerber

egy (05/12/83)

I have a few answers, and comments.

1).  The name of the mute guy was Omega the Unknown.
     His story was concluded in the pages of the Defenders, and
     Steve was not entirely satisfied.  He commented to me
     at a convention that we both attended that he had the
     conclusion of that story in mind, but would not tell,
     cause he was going to use it "someday".

2).  Did anyone see the non-autobiographical miniseries that
     Gerber wwote for DC entitled the Phantom Zone.  Art by 
     Gene Colan and Tony DeZuniga.  I liked it.

3).  I did not like Destroyer Duck, probably for the same reasons
     that I do not like E-Man.  Too Heavy Handed.

4).  Speaking of heavy handed, did anybody see Gerber's shot
     at TV censors in Eclipse 2 and 3.  Again Art by Gene Colan.

5).  Gerber is very much responsible for one of the best 
     Saturday morning cartoons in recent years, Thundarr.
     It showed a remarkable amount of skill, considering
     that no one ever hit anyone else.

			      That's enough
			      I am GINO!