spirit (05/19/83)
Now you see 'em, now you don't. Or should that be the other way around. Just as Galactus burps his finest, John Byrne shoots for a prize and pulls the moo moo Skrulls out of his hat. Bravo!! It sure took a long time for Reed's naive hypnotic crap to wear thin, but the F.F. are going to finally get what they deserve. You didn't think that the Skrulls could really get killed off right when Marvel is preparing to market the Thomas/Adams/Buscema Kree-Skrull war series in super-duper, high priced reprints. Did you?? This is merely a lone opinion, but it seems a bit too coincidental that the Avengers reprints are coming out and the Skrulls are doing whatever it is that lonely Earth-bound Skrulls do these days. Sam Hughes