[net.comics] Randomness

egy@sdchema.UUCP (05/25/83)

Relay-Version:version B 2.10 5/3/83; site harpo.UUCP
Date:Wed, 25-May-83 16:50:40 EDT

     I would just like to make some comments and observations
about the comics business, and its recent changes.  We
(the intelligent fan) are much delighted and gratified by the
current explosion in comics.  By this, I refer to the veritable
landslide of new titles, new publishers, new formats, (and of
course new prices.)  DC, as a recent letter of mine, is going
to double issue (to coin a phrase) two of their titles.  We
already have mini-series, and maxi-series.  New formats
include the beautiful Dreadstar and the entire Epic line,
as well as Omega Men, Ronin, and Camelot 3000 from DC.  Both
major companies have begun a strong reprint program, not
reprinting garbage, but their best stories, on beautiful
paper.  Examples here include the recent Warlock series by Marvel,
and the DC Masterworks, recently featuring Frazetta, and soon to
have Neal Adams, and Berni Wrightson.  Basically, this is
comic fan heaven.
     In the alternate punbisher range, there is Southern Knights,
the new imports from France, Kelly Green and Valerian, as well
as the new companies, First, Pacific, Red Circle, Americomics,
and Eclipse.  And the old standbys.  Elfquest and Cerebus.
     In a very real sense, we, the comic intelligensia, owe an
incredible debt of gratitude to Dave  and Denise Sim, Wendy and
Richard Pini, and even to Mike Friedrich (Star*Reach).  Without
their example, that the independent creator could exist in the
marketplace, not only would there be no alternate publication, but
Marvel and DC would have felt no pressure to change their greedy
ways, and allow their creators possession.  So, we are in the
midst of probably a very short boom in numbers of creative
publications, but we shoould thank our lucky stars, that we are,
and while we are at it, we should thank the Pinis and the Sims
for showing every one else how it could be done.

	 I said short just for the demands of economy.  For
	 a while every tom, dick and harry who can draw will
	 start his or her own publishing company, but the pressures
	 of the marketplace will soon pare this down to a fairly
	 reasonable (and affordable) number.

	  My above commentary on Marvel and DC being greedy is
	  not particularly intended as slanderous.  I don't
	  think that is pure greed so much as good business
	  to make the most that you can.  They may or may not
	  be purely greedy for its own sake.  That doesn't

					I am