[net.comics] Questions on Doonesbury Books

jdd@allegra.UUCP (07/28/83)

I just splurged      Do these books       I seem to have an    (Okay, okay!
this weekend and     contain all the      extra copy of        Look, I never
bought all 20-odd    daily strips?        "But the Pension     said I had
medium-format        The strips do not    Fund Was Just        any taste.  We
Doonesbury           seem to be in        Sitting There        now return you
collections I        perfect order, so    and no copy of       to the X-Men
could find.          I am suspicious.     "But This War        discussions,
                                          Had Such Promise".   already in
      /                    /              Anybody want to      progress.)
     /                    /               trade?        
    /                    /                       /               /
Cheers,              Cheers,              Cheers,              Cheers,
John DeTreville      John DeTreville      John DeTreville      John DeTreville
Bell Labs, MHill     Bell Labs, MHill     Bell Labs, MHill     Bell Labs, MHill