oz@rlgvax.UUCP (THE GREAT AND POWERFUL OZ) (09/29/83)
I note a very interesting thing happening with the "big two" comic book companies. When I first started taking comics seriously, the DC (Brand Ecch) line of comics was for the person that just wanted to read a "dumb comic." The heros were nice, simple, would never die, get seriously in- jured, have acne, or go to the bathroom. We had the "supers" until they were coming out of our ears, (Superman, Superboy, Superbaby, Supergirl, Superdog, Supercat, Superhorse, Supermonkee, Kandor the bottle of the Superpeople, Jimmy Olsen, Superman's best friend, Lois Lane, Superman's Girl Friend, Mon-el Superboy's brother (not really, but for one issue they did try and convince us that that WAS the case), and the list goes on and on and...). None of the other titles were much better, Batman went camp (Holy Underwear, Batman!), and nothing really related with the "real world." On the other side of the fence was Marvel (Not Brand Ecch). Marvel had superheros that had problems that we could have. Who can forget the prob- lems of the whimpy Peter Parker (although after 20 years of them, perhaps they SHOULD be forgotten), or the tragic case of Tony Stark; rich, bright, handsome, but with a heart that could give up on him at ANY moment (sort of like Aunt May). Doctor Strange, the doctor whose pride came just before the fall. These comic books showed us not only the action we craved, but also a bit of the real world. Marvel tackled bigotry in the EARLY 60's with the Hate Monger, spoke of the sins of pride with Doctor Strange, and gave us the ever popular "with great powers come great responsibilities." Although not every Marvel comic had social redeeming value, that was fine, because that is not what we (my brother Broome and I, and maybe you too) bought comics for. On the other hand if a comic did have a message, we were willing to listen, and even liked it because it was well done. Since then I have seen DC take more chances and come out with comics that are not only good, but are DAMN GOOD. Batman is a creature of respect again, the New Teen Titans is an EXCELLENT comic, Night Force was well done, hell, I understand that even Supes himself is going through some changes. DC is not standing still and is DOING something. I think that is great. So what is Marvel doing? Well they are doing some good things. Consider the NEW Thor. Consider Ka-Zar. Consider the NEW Iron Man. Con- sider yourself at home (not funny unless you have seen the musical OLIVER). Fine, there is SOME innovation and I appreciate it. Then there are the Marvel reprints. I have enjoyed some, the MOON KNIGHT ones for example, but reprinting the ELECTRA SERIES from Daredevil?!!! That was only a little while ago, you are getting greedy, boys. There are also stunning new series, like US 1. Whoo-wee we sure is havin' some fun now. And the great treatment of classic comics like Conan (in this months issue Conan will ride a winged ___________ to save a beautiful young thing from the terrible _____________. In the process he will fight several monsters con- jured up by the evil __________________.) And then there is the unkindest cut of all, ASSISTANT EDITORS MONTH. While DC is acting more and more like "CBS," Marvel gives us "ABC." What am I to think when I read FIRESTORM followed by the drivel that they had backing up Captain America? It is a case of severe cuteness that I don't think we should encourage. I have YET to see an intelligent, or even MILDLY AMUSING backup feature during ASSISTANT EDITORS MONTH. Maybe that is why they are ASSISTANTS, and if that is the case then we should be VERY thankful that the REAL editors are coming back (well, all except Jim Shooter anyway). Give me a break guys, you aren't on Laugh-in any more. My last comment will be along the lines of what I have said before, thank heavens for the alternate comic companies. They not only provide good en- tertainment for us but encourage the "Big Two" to try harder. Long may they wave! As a reward for listening to my ranting I shall share some information with you (the following is NOT a joke), Marvel has announced that next year we will see a team up to end all team ups: THE X-MEN and CEREBUS THE AARD- VARK, written by CC and drawn by Dave Sim. Should be interesting folks. Please offer your comments on the current events of comicdom and keep this newgroup alive. "I AM GINO," MIKE from ROCHESTER, and ERIC from APL, where ARE you? Longwindedly, OZ seismo!rlgvax!oz P.S. FEH is a Yiddish word of disgust that works better then any other word I know. Try using it some time. It is pronounced just the way it looks.