moriarty@uw-june (Jeff Meyer) (04/16/84)
Well, here's the lastest batch, with followups to Jerry's latest reviews
(ah, its fun to read net.comics again!):
Don't want to sound like I'm always yes-saying Jerry's comments (I
believe we just probably have about the same taste in comics... maybe we can
start a syndicated show like SNEAK PREVIEWS ("... and the stinker of the
week is the Justice League of America, as it has been for the last 5
years...")), but he pretty much sums it: good but no surprises. I would like
to add a) I liked the idea of Tara just being a crazed evil bastard rather
than a psycho-flashback revealing that she never got asked out to the prom,
etc., and this caused her to be sadistic... nice touch, and b) Slade and God
knows how many Hivies (great term, eh, Marv? Original, too.) know about the
TT's secret identities (probably most don't care, actually...).
Ah, finally some dissent. I think The Unspellable One's art has
been excellent... from all previous reviews, I thought it was going to be
really low-grade work. However, I know he is capable of doing poor work when
rushed... I remember a Moon Knight with an African terrorist and three women
bodyguards where the art really sucked (for Mr. S, that is). But this,
while not his finest, is not bad at all, I think. He made the outer-space
hunt (looked like some of Giffen's work) intrigue me. I believe Mr. S just
may save Claremont's ass on this one; and we still have a New Mutie
apparently (graphically) dead on the last page.
I really shouldn't reviews this, as it is just as all other
issues... GREAT. It just that my cat wants a Luther IronHeart (TM) body of
her very own, especially around dinner time...
"I just had a premonition of a Legionaire... dying!!!"
So what else is new, toots? (I swear, I think they have a quota that
has to be met or something...). Actually, I like this comic a lot, when it
doesn't take itself too seriously (Legion HQ also has the tendency to sound
like a fraternity during pledge week...).
I suggest that anyone who was turned off by Blue Devil #1 (like moi)
reads #2. Reminds me some of Zot, but more of those classic
Michilline/Layton Iron Man issues (especially the art). Lots of fun with
loads of in-jokes and IT DOESN'T TAKE ITSELF TOO SERIOUSLY!! Loads of
fun... check it out.
"We've done it! We've cloned Kirby Art!!!" NOT REALLY.
What more can be said, other than anyone who doesn't spot the big
whazoo on the splash page as Darkseid should not be allowed to drive.
Oops, guilty confession time... I think I've been buying this thing
regularly, while at the same time, lambasting it.
"Alright, boys, take him away...."
How about a contest for the stupidest thing done in each issues of
Secret Wars? I don't know where to begin....
And various butcher's aprons:
Bloody hell. Everyone gets CAMELOT 3000 but me.
Read MYTH ADVENTURES from Warp, and would give it a C-. Not
particularly funny.
I MUST have an issue of TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES when it comes
out. At the very least, I would like a teenage mutant ninja turtle for my
terrarium (do they like raw hamburger?).
Am I to assume that there are no Honkytonk Sue fans out there? How
pathetic. How about Flaming Carrot? ("Where's the radio on this thing --
it's time for Paul Harvey!").
And has not one of you read the immortal, fantastic, ONE & ONLY
COMIC OF ALL TIME..... Reid Fleming, World's Toughest Milkman!!! Words
cannot describe this classic....
As to Dire Wraiths, the only one I suspect is Jim Shooter (his
tongue flicks out like that person in "V" last year).
"When you're threatened | Currently residing in
by Mob violence..." | UUCP:
MORIARTY | {ihnp4|decvax|tektronix}!uw-beaver!uw-june!moriarty
AKA -jwm- | moriarty@washington