[net.comics] Jon Sable, Freelance #14

betsy@dartvax.UUCP (Betsy Hanes Perry) (05/07/84)

This is for those of you who were turned off by the early 
Jon Sable , Freelance (TM) :
too much blood, too little thought, too little anatomy (yes, Virginia,
shoulders are MORE than two heads wide!).  

It's gotten better.  Much better.  Pick up issue #14 in your favorite
emporium and look at it.  Not only do most people have shoulders proportionate
to their heights, some real moral issues are getting raised.  What impresses
me most is that these issues aren't closed out in one or two pat phrases:
doubts are raised and left to grow.  This isn't Claremont-style problem-solving,
either;  so far, Grell has a very good track record at RETURNING to old
teasers promptly.  If a supporting character appears, he or she reappears
within another two or three issues.  Relationships even progress.  This 
comic comes as close to real life, as it is lived among real people
(*well, glamorous real people *), as any comic I've ever seen.  There's
a lot more going on here than Soldier of Fortune retreads.

Now, if he'd only learn to draw ballet shoes....
Betsy Perry
UUCP: {decvax|linus|cornell}!dartvax!betsy
CSNET: betsy@dartmouth
ARPA:  betsy%dartmouth@csnet-relay