ee163ahp@sdccs7.UUCP (GALACTUS) (05/08/84)

to Jim Shooter and/or the rest of the marvel comic group:
(this is only my opinion but...)

Boy did you guys make the biggest mistake having scott adams do your
computer games.  I don't know of too many people who consider Scott
Adams the "king of adventure games". Nor of too many people who like
those type of adventures.

This is probably because the games:
1) are very narrow. Unlike the Zork adventure games by infocom,
   you can only type in two word commands, (eg. get gem; hit head; go
   out;). What kind of adventure games is that.  Sure the graphics
   are pretty damn good, but the game itself is boring. I like entering
   commands like: "light candles, read page 994, perform exorcism, ring
   bell and enter hades". Now THAT is a good adventure game. Sure it
   lacks the spectacular graphics that the SA games have, but that is
   but a technicality.
2) Secondly, plain adventure games are boring.  You need the arcade
   element in them.  Have you taken a look at the Ultima series by
    Lord British.  Now that is an adventure game with both great
    graphics and animation.  I don't want to see inanimate pictures
    of the hulk.  I want animation.  I want to see the hulk pick
    up the gems.  I want to control the hulks movements.  You
    would control a greater part of the software market if you could
    make games that couple adventure with arcade action.
3) Lastly, they SA games are not too popular as you would lead everyone
  to believe.  I don't recall their games being in the top 25 of 
  softalks annual poll of computer games. (The zork adventures and
  Ultima are) and not too many computer people are comic fans
  such as myself.  Therefore, I predict that although you will make
  somewhat of a profit you will not be maximizing your potential.

  I would write more, but I am getting tired.
  I suggest that you make a separate division (ie. The Marvel Software
  Division) and market the games yourself under your own name.
  There are tons of programmers out there who are outstanding and
  WILL make you a lot of money. You don't need no middleman.

  If you want an idea for a real computer game, the kind that will make
  a lot of money, send me mail back via the network.  I would tell you
  right now, but you might steal the idea. I know that this game will
  sell because it has all the ingredients of a great game.  Having
  played all types of computer games, I know.

  Anyhow, If you are interested, write back. If not, I don't care. It
  is your money, not mine.
				    Nick Flor
				    at UCSD Computing Center