mwm@dartvax.UUCP (M. W. Modrall) (05/29/84)
As far as the super-heroines go, my votes have ala always fallen with donna troy - aka wonder girl, Supergirl, the black widow, and jean gray. wondergirl has always seemed particularly attractive to me. so much of it depends on the individual artist though... there are those artists who could make anything look ugly, and there are those who could make any hag look beautiful... on the bad side, you've got the wonderkids like Colleta and Pasko who can make any woman look like the broad side of a battle ship, and on the other hand, you have Perez, Byrne, and Gulacy who can make your average female look good. Mark Modrall mwm Dartmouth College
martillo@ihuxt.UUCP (Yehoyaqim Martillo) (05/30/84)
Anyone like Tigra? If you are into fur, she might be really interesting? Would it be bestiality? -- Yehoyaqim Shemtob Martillo (An Equal Opportunity Offender)
clyde@ut-ngp.UUCP (05/31/84)
Yeah, Tigra is an interesting one. As long as you're not allergic to cats, it could be REAL fun. (Alas, poor Jarvis). -- Clyde W. Hoover @ Univ. of Texas Computation Center; Austin, Texas (Shouter-To-Dead-Parrots) "The ennui is overpowering" - Marvin clyde@ut-ngp.{UUCP,ARPA} clyde@ut-sally.{UUCP,ARPA} ihnp4!ut-ngp!clyde
hutch@shark.UUCP (Stephen Hutchison) (06/04/84)
<We're just following ancient history; if I strip for you, will ya ... > Well, my favorite Femme Fatale, next to Cutey Bunny, is Felina Furr. Y'all remember her, ol' Alley-Kat-Abra of the Amazing Zoo Crew? Also, Mary Marvel was never too bad. Hutch {looking fondly at the Betty poster on the bathroom wall}
martillo@ihuxt.UUCP (Yehoyaqim Martillo) (06/07/84)
If Tigra turns you on, then there is always Hefzibeh of the Starjammers if Captain Summers has not preempted her. -- Yehoyaqim Shemtob Martillo (An Equal Opportunity Offender)
ciaraldi@rochester.UUCP (Mike Ciaraldi) (06/21/84)
From: Mike Ciaraldi <ciaraldi> Reading Spider-Man #257 reminded that I always like Mary Jane Watson as an example of a beautiful comics female. Not the rather dried-up skinny one Ron Frenz drew in this issue, but the edition from around isssue #150 or so, drawn by Romita Sr., I think (it's been 8 years, so I have to rely on memory). She always seemed to have a pretty face and nice figure, and dressed to show it off without looking at all cheap or flagrant. Of course, Gwen Stacy was nice-looking too, but not as flamboyant. Remember our first look at her face (issue 42???). After a year or more of seeing her as a half-glimpsed figure, alwayts just missing meeting Peter despite his Aunt's attempts to set them up, she finally shows up anfd says, "Face it, Tiger, you jit the jackpot!" Why don't women say that to me? Mike Ciaraldi ciaraldi@rochaster
colonel@gloria.UUCP (George Sicherman) (06/24/84)
[Don't squash that bug! I think it's cute!] If you're going to go historical, you ought to acknowledge Al Capp. His strip "Li'l Abner" had more curves than a coral reef. -- Col. G. L. Sicherman ...seismo!rochester!rocksanne!rocksvax!sunybcs!gloria!colonel