[net.comics] This week's goodies

afo@pucc-k (sefton) (06/30/84)

A few comments on this week's bagful..

Green Lantern:	Well, Hal tells the guardians to find another stooge.
And guess who has just been hired at Ferris Aircraft?  I wonder if 
asking if you are, or have been associated with any super-heroes, on your
employment application would be contested by the EEOC?

Amerian Flagg:	Hmmm,  June must be 'bad art month'. This one looks
exceptionally bad.  Ever notice that on the good paper, the artist just
cannot get away with  sloppy work as on the old newsprint?

X-Men:	If I want angst, I'll go to a Swedish movie.  (note to people at
Marvel:  I'll be getting my psych degree next year, how 'bout hiring me
to help your *WRITERS GET OVER THEIR BLOODY PROBLEMS*!!!!) The colouration
wasn't that great, either...

Blue Devil:  Boy, do I like this comic!!!!! Mostly upbeat story, good style,
(there is a difference between style in art and sloppiness in art), and
you find out that those horns are good for something (hee-hee!).  Now, what's
going on with that trident?

Alpha Flight: More loonies from Marvel.  I think Puck is great, though.
Why do the Marvel super-heroes have to be raving cases? A few flawed
heroes aren't bad for spice, but when the majority act like they need
intensive therapy, it gets rather depressing.  Why be good at anything,
if all you will get is pain?

And now a brief editorial:

I know that *someone* from Marvel is out there listening.  I am getting
very tired of you people promising a new series, and then delaying it 
for six months to a year.  You are running a business, and in any other
industry, you would have been out of business a *long* time ago.  Your
marketing practices have always edged on the irresponsible: you tend to
blow your own horn, a little longer, and a little louder than anyone;
and you've been caught in your own devices more often; and, you seem
to have problems in the delay of you books more often.	I'm not saying
that you are the only offender (DC has had some incredible time lags
with their books), but you appear to be the most blatant offender.
When you decide to come out with a new product, get your artist,
your writer, your colourist, your printer, and whatnot.  Get your
marketing people together, select a timetable, and then *stick to it*!!!
Don't go about announcing your *wonderful, new, concept*, and then
leave the readers hanging for a year or two, while you try to figure out
how to manufacture it!!!

(thats better)


afo@pucc-k (sefton) (07/28/84)

Let's see what's in this week's bag...

Blue Devil #6: Excellent Abbott & Costello take-off, although now I'm afraid
	       to heat up dins in the microwave.  The colouring job was 
	       interesting, and the art keeps getting better. I am, however,
	       waiting for that court case to happen.  Dan and Sharon's date
	       next issue ought to be 'interesting', also.
TTNT	     : The NTTs meet the DNA...er Recombinants in this issue (Where
	       did 'Surge' go to?).  Jericho's characterisation is excellent,
	       and is getting better.  The wedding ought to keep things 
	       busy for the next few issues.  What would *you* suppose is
	       going on with Mr. Dayton?
	       Some how the moral aspect of this issue just didn't sit right
	       with me.  Maybe because the 'DNAgent' types exist in another
	       continuum. The story also seemed a bit rushed, not a lot of
	       time in character development.  If someone read this who isn't
	       aware of the DNAgents, they might be *very* confused.
		 Then again, we peobably would see something like			      this at Marvel, it would take them too long for their lawyers to		     figure out.  I'm waiting for the latest DNAgents to come out,
	       so I can see the 'crossover' from their view.
Kitty &
Wolverine #1: Wolverine doesn't even appear until the last few pages, folks.
	      Kitty may be a genius, but the kid has no common sense 
	      whatsoever.  Her characterisation here is a *lot* more flakey
	      than that we have seen in the X-Men, or New Mutants.  Okay,
	      I know she is upset, but if this was a battle situation, she
	      would have been a greasespot on the floor a long time ago.
	      Isn't that what Professor X has been trying to teach her all
	      along, that she has to keep her head in tight situations?
	      Oh well, maybe next month mwith Wolverene, maybe things will
	      get interesting.
Flight	    : OH NO!! more subplots!!! more mutants!!! Wolverene shows up!!!
	      I hope that Marinna isn't gone for good, just a few issues or
	      so. Judd/Puck has *got* to be one of the most interesting
	      characters extant.  'worked as an independent', eh? It appears
	      that there is a *lot* more in his background than we have 
	      already been given.
Woman	    : Two Steve Trevors? Oh, $%($#%, the only reason I read this 
	      mag is the Huntress stories in the back. Now that the Huntress
	      is in both Infinity Inc., and a soon-to-be-released series,
	      I can dump WW.
That's it for this week...

Laurie pucc-k:afo
*These obviously aren't the opinions of my employers, for if they are reading
comic books, they certainly aren't admitting to it :-)*