victorf@houca.UUCP (09/04/84)
So far the leaders in the poll of 'favorite this 'n that' are: Wolverine------------- Kitty Pryde----------- \ all tied with 3 votes Nightcrawler---------- / Puck------------------ X-men---------------------\ tied with 5 votes The New Teen Titans-------/ Marvel -----------> 5 votes You don't agree, you say? Then send in your vote! Make your voice heard! Send responses to ihnp4!hoqax!rs NOT to this address!!! Scott Thompson
victorf@houca.UUCP (09/10/84)
I'd like to take a little poll. This one is very simple. I just want to know what your favorite five to ten titles are, you're favorite five to ten characters, and your favorite companies. Chacters are (of course) not limited to the good guys. You might want to submit your favorite heroes in one list and villains in another. Please be sure to tell me what titles the characters are from and what companies the titles are from, if they're not obvius (i.e. Peter Parker in Amazing Spiderman by Marvel). The characters can be secret identites too, for instance if you like Peter Parker as a character but not necessarily Spiderman (I don't know how...). Send responses by mail to: ihnp4!hoqax!rst or allegra!hoqax!rst DON'T USE YOUR 'r' KEY. THIS IS A FRIEND'S LOGIN!!!!! Scott Thompson
victorf@houca.UUCP (09/12/84)
I'd like to take a little poll. This one is very simple. I just want to know what your favorite five to ten titles are, your favorite five to ten characters, and your favorite companies. Characters are (of course) not limited to the good guys. You might want to submit your favorite heroes in one list and villains in another. Please be sure to tell me what titles the characters are from and what companies the titles are from, if they're not obvious (i.e. Peter Parker in Amazing Spiderman by Marvel). The character can be a secret identity too, for instance if you like Peter Parker as a character but not necessarily Spiderman, I don't know how..... Send responses by mail to: ihnp4!hoqax!rst or allegra!hoqax!rst DON'T USE YOUR 'r' KEY. THIS IS A FRIEND'S LOGIN!!!!! PS: I'm posting results on or about 9/17/84 unless I'm still receiving a good amount of mail. Keep those replies coming! Scott Thompson