[net.comics] queries and lists

haeckel@stolaf.UUCP (Paul C. Haeckel) (09/22/84)

I like this list for the most part, but there is one character
that I think has been misplaced. I have read a number of the
Avengers issues in which they faced Ultron, and he is quite an
opponent. The ranking of 17 or 18 which you gave him seems a
bit low, especially when you compare him with the others in the
list who mostly rely on brute strength, like the Hulk, the Thing,
the She-hulk and Wolverine.(To ward off any supernova strength
flames to this login, let me just say that I don't mean to say
that these four are sans intellect, although the Hulk is almost
there) Keep in mind, though, that even Thor's hammer could not
hurt Ultron, with that admantium (sp?) shell of his. I feel he
deserves to be at least in the top 10, if not the top five on this
list. Unfortunately, in the most recent appearance I've seen of
him (in Secret Wars) he didn't do much but serve as a lackey to
Doom, but we all know how true most of the characterizations in
that series were/are being done. Incidentally, has anyone else
noticed the Secret Wars(TM) Spiderman(TM) figure, outfitted with
the old familiar red costume? It seems they hyped the costume a
bit much otherwise for one that lasted only two or three months.
Not that I care much - I always liked the original much better

                                           Paul Haeckel

dub@pur-phy.UUCP (Dwight U. Bartholomew) (09/28/84)

<from P. Simmington>
	I have some questions concerning the Marvel Universe, that
would hopefully be solved by you the readers.
	The first question is about the cosmic powers(?) that Johnny
Storm possess.  They mention in Fantastic Four issue number 59, that
he has a supernova blast.  We see this mention, when he is fighting with
	Supposedly the supernova blast could level an entire hemisphere, but
this seems quite unlikely.  Everytime that he has used a novablast,
he always fades into unconsciousness.  I would like to know, is there an
issue, where he does in fact use this supernova blast.?

	The other question is about the approach that Marvel is going
to make about Dr. Doom.  As we all know, he has the ability to change
for short periods of time into someones else's body.  But could it
be possible, that he will return with the rest of the supervillians
from the secret wars?

To Scott Thompson

	Scott, this is the list that I have compiled, after reading
your article in the net news.  These aren't in order of power, but
represent the characters who appear to be powerful in the Marvel Universe.

1.	Galactus		6. 	Collosus
2.	Heralds of Galactus	7. 	Hercules
3.	Thor			8.	Dr. Strange
4.	The Hulk		9.	She-hulk
5.	The Thing		10.	Dr. Doom

11.	Wolverine		16.	Storm
12.	The Jauggernaut		17.	Human Torch
13.	Professor Xaiver	18.	Ultron
14.	Black Bolt		19. 	Sub-mariner
15.	Gorgon			20.	The blob

			Paul Simmington
			Northeastern Univ.
			Boston, MA