[net.comics] General Thoughts & Comics

johnfr@dartvax.UUCP (John Freeman) (10/09/84)

(So you say there's this first-line eatin' monster out there somewhere?...)
Well, I was starting to feel kinda left out with all the postings recently,
so I thought I would throw in my two cents worth...and maybe this time, I'll
spell the name of any characters I use right, although I don't have to,
since I'm an English Major...:-)
There was a mention on the net (by Jerry, I think...) about toys and 
comics based on them...although MICRONAUTS was mentioned, you didn't say
anything about ROM, which did start out with an accompanying Rom
doll on the market; but I haven't seen too many of them around lately
(read that as 'none in years'), so I'd guess they didn't do so well..
And poor Harry Osborne....back to the life of the Green Goblin? 
Although I am in agreement that the Goblin is/was an enjoyable 
character, I really can't condone doing that to the poor lad once
again...but if they do, I don't think that Harry would have too much
trouble with the Hobgoblin...remember when his shrink did the same
thing awhile back?  Harry broke free, and very much cleaned his
clock..*side note* at that time I felt that it was implied that Harry
wouldn't beomce the Goblin again, because his Goblin personality
had pretty much merged with his other personality, allowing the 
two to work together...although he didn't remember he was the Goblin...
What I'd really like to see is Spider-Man just become very p*issed
(opps...slipped out there...) and beat the Hobgoblin into tiny 
pieces...he did it in #251, running on just stamina (and a whole
lot of look-*good thing I saw that reflection in the windshield*, ect..)
Although I haven't seen DCCP with Superman & The Forgotten Heroes
yet, the review of it indicated that it was pretty much what I expected...
now, if only DC can hold off from killing one of the heroes in
the second issue of the story...
While I am sort of on the subject, I hope that everyone there
remembers the back-up series that used to be in DCCP..'Whatever
Happened to...'?  Some of the stores were well done, and some
were fairly sad-depended on the character, and what needed to be
said in only 8 pages...actually I was just curious as to what
back-up 'Whaterever happened to...?' was the favorite among the netters.
and why?  The character, the story, or what?  Well done or not?
I will go on record as being the first to say that I really enjoyed
the follow-ups of (ta-da):
Rex, The Wonder Dog (very cute, totally sentimental, and completely
The Sandman (if only because I haven't read his "There is no land
            beyond the Law..." in some time...I did think that the
            next story about Sandy was too abbrerviated, though...)
***And, far and away, my favorite (drum roll) was:***
"Whatever happened to the Crimson Avenger?"-always was a favorite
of mine, and although I'm sorry to see him go, it was a *good* story..
So, I'm a sucker for sentiment-sue me...
That's all I can think of to enlighten you with for now...
                                           John Freeman
                                       (Dartmouth College)
(Blast, up to now the rhino was one of my prime suspects..)