moriarty@fluke.UUCP (The Napoleon of Crime) (11/06/84)
Well, here they are... three weeks worth. I've been cutting down so that I'm doing more shopping at the comics store, and less additions to my subscription list. More of a "wait and see" attitude. ------------------------------------------------ "There *are* standards. If you can't see one, you *make* one and stick to it come Hell or high water -- until you see a BETTER one." -John Gaunt **************************************************************************** |==>A< One of the best of the year. Example: Byrne/Claremont's Starlord | |==>B< A very good issue, one of the best of the month (usually 6/month) | |==>C< A well done, entertaining issue. Satisfying. Example: Jon Sable | |==>D< Rather boring, or a few good spots mixed with more bad ones. Ex:Mars| |==>F< Boring AND stupid or childish. Example: Secret Wars. | |==>Z< Actually offensive. Example: Several of Haney's UNKNOWN SOLDIERs | **************************************************************************** ---------------- ROCKETEER #1 [C-]: Yup, when I saw Dave Steven's art & humor four years ago in an insert in the San Diego Comic Con program (newspaper, actually), in a cartoon about the annual masquerade ball fan dance, I said, "This guy can DRAW!" At least, that's how I REMEMBER it... I know this will emphasize my role as a deviant, but I am really not all that aroused by Steven's Betty (I prefer Bolland's Tristan or Smith's Rogue... I tend to concentrate on faces). Would have loved to see if he drew Doc's (yes, DOC'S!) hair in the standard 30's pulp style, or in the updated paperback style (skullcap version). At any rate, I like his art better than his writing, and I tend to emphasize writing before art; otherwise, this would be a C+. ---------------- STIG'S INFERNO #2 [C+]: A few more issues like this one and it stays on the permanent list. Very wacked-out humor, and a sense of direction that tends to stagger around, but I laughed a good deal during this, and the art is very clean and effective (however, these Kurtzman visual jokes should be dropped -- they're just not as well done). The back up I enjoyed much more that the main story; it successfully parodied Star Trek, The Twilight Zone, DC horror comics and a sci-fi story by A. E. Van Vogt whose title I cannot remember, but was adapted in an issue of Marvel's ill-fated B&W "Unknown Worlds" magazine years ago. Naming one of the crew members "Wood" was a nice touch (he even looked like Weed). ---------------- FF #275 [C+]: One of the best FFs of the year. Why? Because of She-Hulk? (yes, I LOVE the cover... and what figurehead and father figure, sans mustache, does this publisher resemble?). Nope. I liked the little touch with Johnny and Alicia. I think Byrne has hit on a good combination of characters here... it seems very natural, and yet I never would have come up with it in a million years. A very nice touch, and a tip of the hat to Mr. Byrne. Oh, Gordon should be kept on as inker... at gunpoint, if need be. ---------------- CEREBUS #67 [C]: Moriarty: Steady and holding. NOBODY does shadowing like Sim. Hey, where are the letters -- I read CERBERUS for that, if nothing else. I NEED A MIKE BANNON FIX!! Hey, who's transcribing this? ---------------- GRIMJACK #7 [C+]: I picked this one up for Munsen's bar, which I really did not enjoy all that much (but wasn't that Eisner who got poured out of the bottle? At least Commisioner Dolan...). Grimjack is the character which held me more, tho'... back issue time. ---------------- AXEL PRESSBUTTON #1 [C ; Zirk: C+]: Non-dialogue writing is not great, and art not fantastic, but good (like finely-detailed Tuska). Ribald, etc. Zirk is funny (obscene, but funny). Wonder what the 700 club would think of this :-). NOTE: On an ad for STRANGE DAYS -- jack cole, r.i.p.? Funny place for a eulogy... ---------------- MAGE #4 [C-]: Not up to standards, but then I prefer Wagner's words to his art (which is like a cross between Steacy and Shuster); the 6-page fight scene just did not make it for me, especially as the issue is so short anyway ("THAT was a FAERIE?!"). I'd pay for a longer story, Matt! ---------------- FLAMING CARROT #4 [B]: Why do I think that Ronald Reagan's behind that mask ("HORSE")? At least, he must be sponsoring the first three pages. If America votes the way I think it will tomorrow, he probably IS America's "type of hero". Well, no matter -- lax vigilance causes nasty foreign men with lisps and plastic sunglasses to cancel Airwolf and make Michael Landon old. Only one sees all, hears all, ignores most... FLAMING CARROT, Freedom's Nightlight! Now where is Oveltine... ---------------- AMERICAN FLAGG #? [C]: First four-parter. Quite good. ---------------- ALIEN LEGION #5 [C]: Like a very tension-filled episode of HSB, but the characters are still out of Rat Patrol. Plot, however, is good. ---------------- CROSSFIRE #5 [C-]: Wonderfully seamy stuff, but after a while, I KNOW that I never want to get mixed up in the entertainment business. Evanier's text reminicenses are quite illuminating, tho' ---------------- SWAMP THING #33 [B-]: The '-' is only because 60% of it is a reprint. OK, Moore, I'm impressed. How many people could build around a reprint issue and STILL make the story sing? Geez, the man hits me over the head with a club EVERY TIME! ---------------- ELEMENTALS #2: [C-]: Nice artwork, but the writing... reminds me a lot of early X-Men, but the characters are nowhere near as well-drawn-out or sympathetic... Claremont's fine touch is needed. There is an awful lot of non-pretentious dialogue here; characters on both sides make a lot of mistakes (Gosh, Prof. X WAS right...). Now, if I liked them more, if I cared even a little bit, this book might work much more smoothly. However, as it is now, it's just fodder for Marvel flashbacks (vivid, though, due to the art). ---------------- STAR TREK #11 [D+]: Things are moving too fast... when this happens, Barr's hold on the character's fine points break down, and they become space warrior clones. A few exceptions, though ("Working on it, Doctor!"). ---------------- JON SABLE #21 [B+]: FANTASTIC!! An excellent beginning and ending, with an EC story in the middle. Batman, nothing... Sable belives in The Shadow. Myke is a truly amazing person (don't like to use "character" here... Grell adds a lot of dimensionality); kudos to Grell for allowing growth in Myke and Jon instead of throwing them at each other in issue 9 or so.. ---------------- THOR #352 [C-]: I hear sales are dropping off from this book, and I think I know why. Despite the great art, folks, when you've seen one Ragannorok, you've seen 'em all! I really enjoyed Thor's escapades with the elves and his problems with Lorelei, but this is beginning to lack distinction from any other end-of-Asgard story. Still one of the best, but I prefer the Beta Ray Bill story. A pity, because few people can do dialogue better (non-Shakespearian/Asgardian/high-falutin') than Simonsin. ---------------- ALPHA FLIGHT #? [D]: I'm not sure WHAT Byrne is using to hold this thing together... the glue from outer space (perhaps he has been sniffing it...)). ---------------- DR STRANGE #69 [C+]: Think I missed an issue somewhere... anyway, fun on the high seas! The Mindless Ones are currently an illusion! (well, except during election years...) Umar makes a boo-boo! (why does she look like Natasha on "Bullwinkle"?). ---------------- BLUE DEVIL #9 [B]: One of the funniest things YOU'LL ever see... an excellent cover. ---------------- POWER PACK #7 [C] ---------------- STAR WARS #92 [C-]: As I've said before, Joe Duffy is good, but this needs direction. ---------------- E-MAN #22 [C]: Next issue looks even better... ---------------- CRASH RYAN #3 [C+]: Rising above the stylized nostalgia it started out as. I am very impressed with this, and look forward to the last issue. ---------------- MS TREE #12 [C]: OK, got me... whodunnit? ---------------- KITTY & WOLVERINE #4 [C-]: Liked Logan's reaction to Hudson's death. Rest, however was all "Concentrate -- Focus Power" jargon. ---------------- X-MEN #190 [C]: "And now for something completely different..." Chris is pulling some new stuff, and it is quite good. Conan thrown in would be fun, or Red Sonya. Looks like an out for the mutants if they manage to pull something off (by the way, was that General T-Bolt Ross who got livid about Mutant treatment? Apparently he has learned his lesson about harassment...). ---------------- AVENGERS #? [D+]: I'll be glad to see the culmination of the Vision subplot... that is very good here. However, mindless fight scenes drag the grade down. ---------------- AMAZING SPIDERMAN #261 [C+]: Good stuff... In this Marvel age of intergalatic, high-tech, out-in-the-open foes, it is always nice to see someone go after some "Dis-dat-and-does" thugs, and general gang activities, in a weird costume. Ron Frenz brings back just the right feeling for this, and I, for one, LIKE the Rose (or at least his costume... wish I'd used that at the costume ball). ---------------- BATMAN & THE OUTSIDERS #18 [D+]: Borderline. I liked it because of the suicide plot (continued into next issue), and Gabby's re-introduction to her past. Still too much bang-bang, tho'. ---------------- SISTERHOOD OF STEEL #1 [D]: Needs time to mature... looks like another ALIEN LEGION. We'll see. Vosburg's art has never been my favorite, either in STAR*REACH or in SHE-HULK, but he seems to be putting in a lot of care into this so far. A good colorist, also. ---------------- JONNI THUNDER [F]: Z-rate Ms. Tree. ---------------- MYTH ADVENTURES #3 [B]: Read the comic! Ignore the book! (works for me...) ---------------- TEEN TITANS #5 [D+]: OK, everyone, now click you heels together three times, close your eyes tight, and say "anticlimax, anticlimax, anticlimax....". And, poof, all of us are no longer twisted in stone, but on our way to work. I am gonna miss Perez. Looks like they plotted their way into a corner this time, and had to get hokey to get out. Had the same desperate air as Vigilante. ---------------- TALES OF THE TEEN TITANS [A-]: But when they are good, they are VERY, VERY GOOD... The best Teen Titan issues always make me feel happy at the end, and this one was no exception. Not as high up as the Donna Troy issue, but a goodie. One of the best-written, best-drawn, best-developed issues in recent memory. It was hyped, but it lived up to all expectations. Dialogue was tremendous; all the best points of the series were emphasized; *no one* was forgotten (heck, with Perez's precision, even I could have been in there without my noticing (I have such a terrible time remembering what goes on during my weekends...)). A few points: Questor should get his own series. These back-up characters are definitely this teams strong point. A very good character. Wonderful opening sequence. Good point... what *did* happen to Gnark? Perez draws Wolfman as if he were a chipmunk. Or on acid (boy, THAT would upset Nancy Reagan). The birds were a nice touch. The closing with Hippolyta completely surprised me, and was a wonderful capper. Very nice work. In closing, I am happy to note that Jim Shooter was *not* on the wedding list. He probably would have demanded a fight scene, anyway. ---------------- COMICS JOURNAL #93 [C+]: Well, I haven't touched one of these in about a year and a half, for fear that my rapidly-approaching ulcer would accelerate it's ETA into next week. And surprise, surprise, I enjoyed it a lot. Why? Well, Groth didn't say word one. Interviews were good (always were CJ's strong point). R. Fiore on Funnybook Roulette is EXCELLENT!! And it's too late in the evening to take Harlan Ellison seriously (except for his fiction writing). Besides, no one takes himself more seriously than Harlan... "There are times I would like to strangle him, and there are times I would like to shoot him. Such a *wide* range of options are open to me..." Moriarty, aka Jeff Meyer John Fluke Mfg. Co., Inc. UUCP: {cornell,decvax,ihnp4,sdcsvax,tektronix,utcsrgv}!uw-beaver \ {allegra,gatech!sb1,hplabs!lbl-csam,decwrl!sun,ssc-vax} -- !fluke!moriarty ARPA: fluke!moriarty@uw-beaver.ARPA