[net.comics] Hot and cold running commentary

ted@usceast.UUCP (Ted Nolan) (11/04/84)

<this line for hire>

Well here we go again, time for another batch of bemused ramblings.
This go round I think I'll use the grade school scale - well known to
every red blooded child in the nation (and a few of the green blooded too),
to wit : A, B, C, D, F , Suspended, Expelled.

Aztec Ace 7 : Murdicie

	Not much happens this issue, no major plot developments except
	that Bridget is finally killed (though not by Ace). I confess
	that I don't fully understand how this helps matters any; it
	seems to me that a dead Bridget in 1940 will do as much damage
	to the time stream as a Bridget existing both in and out of time.
	Also, I don't see that the moral issue is resolved, in the
	"split instant" when two Bridgets exist, aren't both of them
	persons? As usual though the writing is quite good;
	I like Moench's Cordwainer Smithlike playing with the language
	and he does a good job in his portrayal of Ace and Bridget's
	deepening relationship; they are trying say serious things to
	each other, something hard to do and hard to write about with
	out sounding maudlin.  The art is starting to grow on me too.
	All and all a nice interlude in the war against Croc.
	A solid B.

Spanner's Galaxy 3 : Soul in Bondage

	I think I probably wrote my most positive review a month or
	so ago for SG 1; I stand by it, but issues 2 and 3 have been
	a disappointment.  I guess my main complaint is that what I
	thought was the plot hasn't been followed up on.  I presumed
	that the series would be about Spanner's search for a way to
	clear himself (or at least find out what he was wanted for)
	while playing a tense cat and mouse game with his persurers.
	Instead the chase is just being used as a device to dump 
	Spanner into a strange situation where he must figure out
	that all is not what it seems (or not figure it out), then
	the hunters close in and he has to leave to do it again
	next month. The main storylines in both issues 2 and 3 do
	nothing to advance the concept of the series at all.
	(and that is a shame). In issue 3 (which we are discussing,right?)
	the case was made no better by  the rather dumb storyline.
	The focus of wrongness is too clear too early, and I was never
	able to believe that the girl was in any danger in either temple.
	Also why can't the girl go with her "parents" if she wants to?
	("You are an okeean and you must stay on your world, just as
	we must return to ours")  Surely from the polyglot populations
	of the other worlds we have seen, there is no ban on space
	A D (regretfully).

The Sisterhood of Steel 1 :
	I think I liked this more than most of the net; I can't say
	just why since as has been pointed out it is just a rather
	unremarkable setup issue.  I guess I just like women warriors
	is S&S settings; the Sisterhood puts me something in the mind
	of Jo Clayton's Biserca (sp?) from her duel of wizardry
	series (highly recommended BTW, esp _Moonscatter_, 3rd book
	eagerly and impatiently awaited) although there is a fundamental
	difference (and one I hope to see addressed) one joins the Biserca,
	but the Sisterhood buys you - there is no choice.  This puts their
	pursuit of Kelki on questionable moral ground - she never had 
	a chance to choose a way of life, it was thrust on her. 
	I hope Marx follows up on this and I hope she avoids setting
	all men up as straw dogs - the portrayals so far are rather
	one sided. There are possibilites here (now if we could just get
	Tiana Highrider into comics -- there is a great character. If you
	never read another woman warrier S&S book read _Web of the Spider_)
	A C.

Jon Sable Freelance 21 : Widowmaker
	Well I knew that Jon had a mean streak (did anyone else notice
	that he killed a man who had stopped trying to kill him and was
	just running, back in the cola issue?) but the 3rd from the last
	page of issue 21 is the coldest thing I have ever seen in comics
	(not that I object in this case), luckily things are starting to
	happen to bring out his other side too. Jon lets go of the past
	a little here and that bodes well for his future - as he says
	"maybe there is a batman".  The relationship with Myke is 
	coming along nicely ; I think she is slowly bringing him
	back to the human race.
	Another B.

Conqueror of the Barren Earth 1 : The Ravager
	Hm, maybe the Conqueror won't be who I thought it would.
	Jinal's plan to fill the role gets severely sidetracked here
	as her homebase is destroyed and she is captured by a yellow
	peril looking fellow called Zhengla. Offstage a rescue expedition
	finally starts for Earth , headed by a new character, Jinal's
	mentor (possibly more?) Admiral Rizek.  There are more hints that
	the Qlov may not be as "implaccable" as their rep. There seems to
	be more going on here than is obvious (I detect at least 3 under
	currents ), but what is obvious isn't that great. We'll see 
	what happens; I still have faith that this can be a really good
	A C.

What? Capsule time already?

Kitty and Wolverine 4:
	It's probably too late in the series, but I want to see Kitty's
	father go through a sea change.  Who says you have to be a mutant
	to confront danger , grow and change. After all, he is unattached 
	now - how about Kitty's father and Yukio for a perfect couple?
	(I'm not more than 25% kidding - they've already interacted
	and his trying to meet her standards would be a step in the
	right direction for him)
	A B

American Flagg 17 :
	It almost goes without saying that this one is good, so I
	won't. What I want to know is why have the "Canada" issues
	had all those reversed letters?  So far it doesn't seem to
	have anything to do with anything.

Iron Man 191 :
	Well, you asked for it, you got it : Tony back in armor.
	I still wish you hadn't asked though. I guess this is another
	"bold change" that Marvel is going to retract.

Swamp Thing 32 :
	Well, it's nice to see some of my favorite characters again,
	but sad to see them so melancholy, they were always such a
	happy bunch.  Of course I understood the names "Find the Lady",
	"Junior Umbrella Birds", "Pog" and "Bartle", but can anyone
	tell me why Howlan Owl was called Strigiforme and why Porky
	was called whatever it was he was called? (Don't have my copy
	with me)

Fantastic 4 275
	What I want to know is what was She Hulk doing sunbathing anyway,
	I mean does she turn brown green or what when she tans? The bit
	about color correction sounds a little unlikely too. As for Johnny,
	he never gets this lucky, look for the sky to fall.

Rocketeer :
	Are we sure Peevy is wrong?  It sure didn't look like you know
	who to me.  (Conde Nast's doing?) Stevens really does do a great
	Monk and Ham though.  Too bad there wasn't much story here.
	(or at least more Betty!)

Cerebus 67 :
	This is the second time I've picked up Cerebus. Both times I have
	wondered why later.  
	D (oops, do I smell smoke, real close?)

Well, I've had enough.. why don't you go do something important.

		Ted Nolan		..usceast!ted
Ted Nolan                               ...decvax!mcnc!ncsu!ncrcae!usceast!ted
6536 Brookside Circle                   ...akgua!usceast!ted
Columbia, SC 29206
      ("Deep space is my dwelling place, the stars my destination")

jeffh@brl-tgr.ARPA (Jeff Hanes ) (11/08/84)

>Cerebus 67 :
>	This is the second time I've picked up Cerebus. Both times I have
>	wondered why later.  
>	D (oops, do I smell smoke, real close?)
>Ted Nolan                               ...decvax!mcnc!ncsu!ncrcae!usceast!ted

You realize, of course, that you're going to get flooded with
responses to this remark (he is, isn't he folks?); I thought
i'd start the ball rolling.

The best way to get into the Aardvark is to find someone who
has all (or most) of the back issues and read them all in one
sitting (wimps might need two sittings).  Dave's art and story-
telling seem to go through definite changes quite frequently
(relatively speaking), some of which (the current story, in my
honest opinion) leave somewhat to be desired.  Thus, one issue
is completely insufficient to convey the full flavor of Mr. Sim's
wit and wisdom.

I happen to think that Cerebus is one of the best satire/parody/
commentaries on modern society and (especially) politics currently
available.  It ranks right up there with Doonesbury and Bloom
County (any bets as to whether Gary Trudeau and Berke Brethed
are, in fact, the same person?).

Please, don't send out another Cerebus review until you've read
'High Society' completely (if you really don't like it, that
should shut you up quite effectively).

"Could you speak up?  I'm selectively hard of hearing."

					-- PJH --