[net.comics] The Week's bag of goodies

afo@pucc-k (Flidais) (12/16/84)

(10 days and counting)

Well, I've just read the first issue of 'Crisis on Infinite Earths',
and I certainly hope this gets better.  At least it looks like we
won't be treated to the same hystronics attached to the ~secret

At least we get to find out that Lyla isn't quite the bubblehead we
might have thought she was; and boy did we ever get rid of one
universe quick (earth-3)!!!  But I do wonder about the statement
that 'hey, if we off a hero, that's it; none of this "bring 'em back
from the dead" schtick'.  Then again, we'll have to see *who* they
manage to nail in the next twelve.  I mean, if it turns out to be
people of the same caliber as the 'Red Bee' in the All-Star
Squadron, well,  I'm not going to get *too* upset.....

now for some quickie reviews

Alpha Flight
20& 21:      Due to the vagaries of the shipping schedule, I managed
	     to get both of these today.  I think the proofreader is
	     going to have a *fun* time trying to fix Aurora's
	     dialogue from one scene to the next.  Well, at least we
	     got a biography for Diablo, anyway.  Did I interpret
	     that little discussion Shaman had with Judd the wrong
	     way (hey, I just finished my finals here, my brain
	     hurts), or what?

#25:         Feh.  The artwork could have been a *lot* better (and 
	     there has been some stuff of the unspellable's that I
	     have liked).  I know the idea behind limbo is that it
	     changes, but does it have to become a random drawing
	     (pun intended) for the artist? You know, I started out
	     liking the characters of Cloak and Dagger; now I think
	     they are just plain stupid...bad writing for them and
	     the character development has just gone to the pits.

#3:          Did they let someone from Marvel loose on this one?
	     I haven't seen this much angst in years....

#3:          It keeps getting better....I am going to be *very*
	     frosted, however, if Wes Dobbs bites the biggee before
	     this is over.  I think he probably will, though.

#12(?):      The one with the press conference.  Well, that's one
             group that won't have to worry about "someone finding
	     out my secret identity".  Gee, it looks like the
	     Harlequin is the mum of Jade and Obsidian. Note:  Now I
	     always thought that although the Harlequin was looking
	     like a bad guy, she was actually working undercover for
	     the police.  Is this just being forgotten, or what?

(latest):    The one with the bimbos getting offed, naw that
             describes most of the issues; uh, the one with his
	     friend from high school being set up to take a fall by
	     another highg school chum.  And Crossfire has had his
	     blood replaced... looks permanent..(notice how he was
	     able to stay underwater longer than he should?)

Well, that's it for this week...

Laurie Sefton

Some people prefer top down programming; others prefer botom-up:
Me? I prefer slash and burn...

eric@aplvax.UUCP (12/17/84)

> Well, I've just read the first issue of 'Crisis on Infinite Earths',
> and I certainly hope this gets better.  At least it looks like we
> won't be treated to the same hystronics attached to the ~secret
> bores~.
> At least we get to find out that Lyla isn't quite the bubblehead we
> might have thought she was; and boy did we ever get rid of one
> universe quick (earth-3)!!!  But I do wonder about the statement
> that 'hey, if we off a hero, that's it; none of this "bring 'em back
> from the dead" schtick'.  Then again, we'll have to see *who* they
> manage to nail in the next twelve.  I mean, if it turns out to be
> people of the same caliber as the 'Red Bee' in the All-Star
> Squadron, well,  I'm not going to get *too* upset.....

	How about the "new" Green Lantern as a candidate for martyr? Or maybe
the Blue Beetle? Anyone want to bet that more bad guys (Psion, Dr. Polaris)
bite the dust than the good guys? Actually, not much happened in the first
issue (except for the death of two universes).  I must admit, the Monitor did
not end up looking like anything I expected, though. The last page had a
nice impact.
