[net.comics] Why doesn't Nick Floor read comics anymore?

rnavarro@muddcs.UUCP (Robert Navarro) (01/09/85)

    Why doesn't Nick read comics anymore? Who knows? But one thing 
he should know is that Robert Navarro still does read comics, ok.
Also, the name is R-O-B-E-R-T N-A-V-A-R-R-O not roberto navarra.
   As for Secret Wars, your right Nick, it is Crap. But you really didn't
need me to tell you that did you? Secondly, I do not consider the artwork
on New Mutants to be shitty; it is not nearly as bad as Jack Kirby's work.
I still read X-men even though it is admittly going through a mediocre period
but now that Secret Wars I is over with X-men will have some time to recover 
from the damage SW did to its continuity.(at least until SW II). Furthermore,
although Cerebus may not be a serious character, he is not a "dumb one" There 
are a lot of comic book characters that would like to be as intelligent as 

Two reasons why I read comics: I like them.
                              They are better than almost anything out
                              on the tv tube today.
                                      Robert Navarro
                                      Harvey Mudd College
p.s. Redirect flames to Nick Floor.