[net.comics] Cerebus Jaka, Weisshaupt's ankle

jdb@qubix.UUCP (Jeff Bulf) (07/02/85)

> > > OK, kiddies, it's speculation time.  Who do YOU think Jaka is married
> > > to?  (To whom do you think Jaka is married?)  
> > ...

    As synchronicity would have it, Dave and Gerhard were in town yesterday.
Jaka's husband is nobody we know -- just some gambler. A Bret-Maverick-type.

    Dave also made an ANNOUNCEMENT. Remember "the President's ankle" from
Cerebus#21? Captain Cockroach says "You must not break the president!
And whatever you do, don't stare at his ankle." Well the only way to explain
what that was about would be to stretch out Weisshaupt's upcoming death over
two issues, which Dave doesn't want to do. So he says this is official --
tell everybody you know: the bug had it all garbled as usual. It isn't
Weisshaupt's ankle, it is his *uncle*! WEISSHAUPTS'S UNCLE IS SUENTEUS PO!

    Other ex-cathedra info: the *roach will be returning. Dave hasn't
decided on exactly what guise yet. (How about Rambo-roach, Dave). Also,
he ducked a determined questioner who wanted the answer to the gold coin.
No spoilers from this man! (And a heartfelt thanks, Dave. I'm as curious
as anyone, and I don't want it spoiled.)

    "Boy am I glad to be out of That Room" - Gerhard
	Dr Memory