boyajian@akov68.DEC (JERRY BOYAJIAN) (07/03/85)
[This is being re-posted since the original posting was garbled up. We were having problems with the gateway between the DEC E-net and the Usenet and two of my postings got caught in the crunch.] > From: yale!scott (Walter Scott) Well, I posted a message some months back about the X-MEN FOR AFRICA comic, but until your posting, I had seen a detailed breakdown of the creative teams. Personally, I would have put three of four exclamation marks after "Stephen King, Berni Wrightson, Jeff Jones". > Included in the news release were pencilled pages by Wrightson and by > Blet Blevins, along with a cover by Longshot artist Arthur Adams (who, > according to rumors, may soon replace Romita Jr. as regular artist on > the X-MEN. Judging from this fine cover, I would be VERY glad to see > this happen. I might even start buying the book regularly again). Oh, God! let this be true. I know that Art Adams is doing pencils for this year's NEW MUTANTS SPECIAL and X-MEN ANNUAL (he *was* going to do the X-MEN/ALPHA FLIGHT crossover, but that ended up going to Paul Smith). > Magneto (replacing the by-now DEAD Xavier) WHAT!!!!???? I knew that Mags was supposed to come in as a teacher for the Newties, leaving Xavier to run around with the X-Men, but this???? > No doubt about it; it's not the exact same costume as "Jean's" from > 100-137, but Rachel is definitely wearing a costume with a Phoenix on > it. Following the previous pattern of enlarging the bird-design with > each costume change, the new Phoenix costume has the familiar triangular > bird design covering Rachel's entire torso. And if I needed any other > confirmation, I just saw the cover to X-Men #199 in the latest CBG: > Rachel turing into Phoenix, accompanied by the caption "Born Again!" Why doesn't this surprise me at all? > Now if you take into account the death of Xavier, the trial of Magneto, > the rebirth of Jean Grey and the formation of X-Factor, this promises to > be one hell of a summer for X-men fans. Especially if you take into consideration what has already been discussed here about the "resurrection" (she was never really dead, so how can she be resurrected?) of Jean Grey/Marvel Girl as the final member of X-Factor. --- jayembee (Jerry Boyajian, DEC, Maynard, MA) UUCP: {decvax|ihnp4|allegra|ucbvax|...}!decwrl!dec-rhea!dec-akov68!boyajian ARPA: boyajian%akov68.DEC@DECWRL.ARPA soon to be: boyajian%akov68.DEC@DECWRL.COM