[net.comics] Comments on "Moonshadow" and "Aztec Ace"

cd55611@ihuxk.UUCP (Chuck Dobrovolny) (09/26/85)


Hello again everybody!

Briefly in reply to a couple of things Yuk Hsu mentioned recently....

I'd agree with what seems to be the popular belief that Moonshadow #s 1 & 2
are, so far, the best of that series.  I wish Moon's experiences would pick
up a little instead of him being shuffled from one jail-like setting to 
another.  It's depressing, regardless of the story's interesting plot and
premise and beautifully painted artwork.  Even my girlfriend (who won't
touch mainstream comics and who thought Moore's chilling Swamp Thing was
"OK") liked the first two issues, but is considering blowing it off if #6
isn't a big improvement.  Sure, even in comics, life ain't always pretty,
but prolonged bombardments of pathos are more than a little tiring and get
old even faster than the "life's a bowl of cherries" style of storytelling.

Regarding Aztec Ace, Hsu writes:
>...I was really worried for some time, figuring that since Zot! has been
>put on hold for a while (at least), what's going to stop Eclipse from  
>"cancelling" temporarily Ace?  I mean #14 only came out three months ago...
I haven't read #15 yet, but in the plug box ("on the racks"?) on the inside
front cover of "Bedlam" I noticed that the plug for Aztec Ace #15 said that
it was the last issue.  Now, how many ways can you take the term "last  
issue?"  I was furious--downright livid!  I looked around frantically for
something to break!  I snuck a peek in the back of AA 15 looking for a  
letters page ("Vreebs" to those in the know) and a yellowed-out apology
box similar to that found in Zot! #10, but found none.
Has Eclipse *really* cancelled my favorite comic book?  Can any of you who
read the trade magazines shed any light on this?  Am I overreacting?
I'm so sad....
Feel free to make me look silly if you know for a fact that it hasn't been
cancelled, OK?

                                             ...wringing my hands and 
                                             getting ready to move Swamp
                                             Thing up to the coveted #1
                                             spot on my comics bookcase
                                             Chuck Dobrovolny