[net.comics] NM and changing future

dub@pur-phy.UUCP (Dwight) (01/24/86)

> From: dobro@ulowell.UUCP (Chet Dobro)
> Subject: Re: latest NM
>     Anyone remember one of the *early* NM, when the team got left behind at
> Mass Academy and Magick teleported back (wrong time, however) to find
> them (the NM) in Hellion outfits?
>     I am looking for comments on how this could tie into what will happen to
> them there.  (current time-line)
>     Also, the question (way back then) was whether what happened (in the future)
> was unchangable. They later decided that the time-event-line was changable.
> Maybe not, ...

     The other night I looked up that issue where Majik and Mirage
'port to the White Queen's academy (in the future) and see the other
New Mutants in Hellion uniforms.  The obvious difference between
this situation and the current (most of the NM are currently
with the Hellions) was that Sunspot and Kitty Pryde were included
in the group.  In the current situation Sunspot is in
Brazil and Kitty Pryde is off with the X-men.  That's too bad.
The idea that the future that Mirage and Majik saw 'might'
still be valid sounds pretty interesting
			       Dwight Bartholomew
UUCP:{ihnp4,decvax,seismo,inuxc,sequent,uiucdcs }!pur-ee!pur-phy!galileo!dub

dobro@ulowell.UUCP (Chet Dobro) (02/05/86)

In article <1948@pur-phy.UUCP> dub@pur-phy.UUCP (Dwight) writes:
>>     Anyone remember one of the *early* NM, when the team got left behind at
>> Mass Academy and Magick teleported back (wrong time, however) to find
>> them (the NM) in Hellion outfits?
>>     Also, the question (way back then) was whether what happened (in the future)
>> was unchangable. They later decided that the time-event-line was changable.
>> Maybe not, ...
>     The other night I looked up that issue where Majik and Mirage
>'port to the White Queen's academy (in the future) and see the other
>New Mutants in Hellion uniforms.  The obvious difference between
>this situation and the current (most of the NM are currently
>with the Hellions) was that Sunspot and Kitty Pryde were included
>in the group.  In the current situation Sunspot is in
>Brazil and Kitty Pryde is off with the X-men.  That's too bad.
>The idea that the future that Mirage and Majik saw 'might'
>still be valid sounds pretty interesting

Remember, Roberto's father is a mamber of the Hellfire Club, so that
does not rul eout sunspot joining the Hellions at some later point.

As far as why Kitty was in the picture, and Magick (watching it) was not,
Given the strangeness surrounding Magick and Kitty's "link" as well as the
other weirdness surrounding Magick (he darkchild form having s personality,
while her normal one doesn't [her normal one existing at all given the
above]), we can't make assumptions.

I know, the latter part sounds like a stretched justification of my original
idea [ and it is :-)], but it proposes some new thoughts.
And the former justification isn't too off beat...
