[net.comics] NEWS: Eclipse Flooded, Simonson leaves THOR

moriarty@fluke.UUCP (The Napoleon of Crime) (03/04/86)

From the Pages of the March 14th Comic Buyer's Guide:

Eclipse Comics, stationed in Guerneville California, has weathered the
flooding in that area, but not without losses.  The Eclipse offices were
almost completely submerged; however, they expect that the only delays will
be in SCOUT and the CRISIS index.  Eclipse business records, current comics
artwork and color guides, etc., all made.  However, *ALL* Eclipse back
issues have been destroyed; they have no more.  What is sadder still is the
loss of parts of Cat Yronwode, Dean Mullaney and Sean Deming's personal
collections: irreplacable stuff that I just winced at reading the loss of.
I really feel sorry for them.  By the way, if you're in the area, have a
shovel and would like to help them out, they said to drop by; they would
appreciate it.

Walt Simonson is leaving THOR, but not Marvel (he thinks it's pretty funny
that rumors are already starting that he AND Louise are leaving).  He'll be
doing a Frank Miller-authored DD story, and ETERNALS four-parter, and a
four-part HAVOK mini-series.

And a final plug:  The CBG Everett True comic is always well-done, but any
Green Lantern fans who read #200 won't want to miss this one (I was
rolling, literally...)

                  "A power so great, it can only be used for Good or Evil!"

                                        Moriarty, aka Jeff Meyer
ARPA: fluke!moriarty@uw-beaver.ARPA
UUCP: {uw-beaver, sun, allegra, sb6, lbl-csam}!fluke!moriarty
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