[net.comics] The Bug is Back -- Again!

slrichte@uok.UUCP (03/04/86)

 The following is a DC news release I received before okstate's 'f protocal'
 went haywire, which is why I seemed to have dropped off the face of the 
 Earth for the last three weeks.

                     AMBUSH BUG RETURNS -- AGAIN

 The Bug is back.  This time, he's scheduled for SIX issues of zany-
 ness and adventure.  Readers couldn't get enough of The Bug with his
 apearance in ACTION COMICS and DC COMICS PRESENTS, so DC Comics pub-
 lished a four-issue AMBUSH BUG mini-series in 1985.  When THAT wasn't 
 enough, DC Comics published the AMBUSH BUG STOCKING STUFFER #1, a
 Christmas treat.  Now with the New Year, there's a new AMBUSH BUG 
 series -- a six-issue mini-series titled SON OF AMBUSH BUG.

 Cheks the Toy Wonder returns -- and manages to disappear in the first
 issue.  Also in the first issue:  Jonni DC; Mitsu Bishi, the official
 giant monster slayer; and The Bug trying to reinstate his super-vil-
 villains permit.  Then -- ta da -- disaster strikes.  And The Bug may
 be the only character in the DC Universe who can defeat -- sigh -- the
 Interferer!  And that's just the first issue...

 Co-plotter and penciller Keith Giffen, co-plotter and writer Robert
 Loren Flemming, inker Bob Oksner, and editor Julius Schwartz colla-
 borate (well, try to collaborate, anyway) on this new monthly limited
 series.  Each issue sells for 75 cents in both comic book specialty
 storees and on newsstands.  SON OF AMBUSH BUG #1 ships on March 11,

 Ambush Bug, Cheeks the Toy Wonder, Jonni DC, Mitsu Bishi, the Interferer,
 and Ambush Bug Stocking Stuffer are all trademarks of DC Comics, Inc.

				     -- Steve Richter

USENET:		{ihnp4,allegra!cbosgd}!okstate!uokvax!uok!slrichte

USMAIL:         S. Richter c/o Southside, 754 Asp, Norman, OK 73069

"[kids] won't let us get away with anything.  You miscolor someone's 
toes and they catch it." -- Carol Kalish, 
                            Marvel Comics Director of Specialty Sales